Color Inventory, Farbinventur

Posted in Art, history, Monograph, research on November 12th, 2024
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“Books not only describe their own contents but also the eras in which they were created.
Conceived as a color inventory, this publication gathers a selection of titles that I have dealt with, exhibited, and produced since the early 2000s. Many of these books came to me; I did not seek them out, but provided them a home. For me, books are an archive of ideas and their materialization, a mapping of my engagement with the material world.
I appreciate objects that can be held, traded, and hidden. They allow me to contemplate, negotiate, and share art without the need to seek out the fetish of the original.
The collection does not showcase the most beautiful or best books of their time. It consists art books on themes, colors, and production techniques, all of which have piqued my interest in one way or another.
The objects in this book were collected, exhibited, and re-contextualized in various forms within my long-term project Salon für Kunstbuch.
I have read some of them, while others served as models for new works. I have traced them, catalogued them, woven tapestries from their covers, and marked their ownership status.
Books are objects that lead their own unique lives.”

Author: Bernhard Cella

Publisher: Salon Für Kunstbuch

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Fail like fire. Penny Goring. Arcadia Missa 

Posted in poetry, writing on September 28th, 2023
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Fail Like Fire is a carefully selected collection of twenty poems, written over the past HOWEVER MANY years, from Penny Goring’s intensely personal poetry archive.

76 pages

203 x 127mm

Arcadia Missa Edition: 2022

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Inner, Outer, Paintings, Friends. Lukas Panek, Palais Books

Posted in painting, photography on July 24th, 2023
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Lukas Panek’s Inner, Outer, Paintings, Friends is an archive, a collection of everyday photographs, moments of intimacy, anonymous images from the internet, and the artist’s own work sessions. Through this exploration, which constitutes his playground, he documents the variety of representations in today’s online culture. Registers intermingle and create ambiguous narratives.In the process, familiar forms of narrative are deliberately undermined and the reader is immersed and drawn into the flow of images.
Inner, Outer, Paintings, Friends thus gathers more than 500 images and presents in its second part the paintings of Lukas Panek. Selected from this flow, they are both extracts of a global experience common to all, and a reflection of a personal world. This book plunges us into the abundant, vibrant and playful work of this young Berlin artist, a graduate of the Dusseldörf school, and offers us an extremely current vision of contemporary photography.

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Renverser ses yeux – Autour de l’arte Povera 1960-1975, photographie, film, vidéo. Xavier Barral. Atelier EXB, Jeu de Paume, LE BAL, Triennale Milano

Posted in Exhibition catalogue, Exhibitions, photography, research on May 29th, 2023
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Fruit de longues recherches dans les archives des artistes, l’ouvrage sera doté d’une riche documentation et offrira une relecture inédite de la production artistique italienne entre 1960 et 1975. Apparu dans les années 1960 en Italie, l’Arte Povera est une démarche artistique ; davantage une attitude qu’un mouvement. Théorisé par Germano Celant en 1966, l’Arte Povera s’inscrit dans une volonté de défiance à l’égard des industries culturelles, portée par une nouvelle génération d’artistes incarnant des manières inédites d’appréhender l’art et la création.
S’opposant à la consommation de masse et réhabilitant la place de l’homme et de la nature dans l’art, l’Arte Povera en renouvelle les thématiques (l’homme, la nature, le corps, le temps), les matériaux (naturels, de récupération, périssables), les techniques (artisanales), les gestes et l’intention. Il s’agit de repenser les critères d’esthétisme, de se défaire des artifices, de revenir à l’immédiateté des émotions et des sensations.
A travers la production de livres, d’affiches, de projections et d’impressions sur toile, les artistes italiens de cette époque se sont appropriés le pouvoir narratif de l’image photographique et filmique afin d’explorer de nouveaux possibles de l’art. Transdisciplinaires, mêlant photographies, films, vidéos, affiches, livres, objets, sculptures et peintures, l’ouvrage, qui l’accompagnera l’exposition, présentera plus de 300 oeuvres de figures majeures de l’Arte Povera, parmi lesquelles Giovanni Anselmo, Alighiero Boetti, Luigi Ghirri, Jannis Kounellis, Piero Manzoni, Mario Merz, Giuseppe Penone, Michelangelo Pistoletto…
Conçu comme un livre d’art et non comme un catalogue d’exposition, il donnera à voir l’extraordinaire richesse d’une période où les artistes italiens ont compté parmi les plus importants interprètes de la transformation des langages visuels. Ce nouveau regard sur une démarche artistique majeure des avant-gardes du XXe siècle proposera également une immersion visuelle dans le contexte politique et culturel de l’époque avec des portfolios dédiés au cinéma, théâtre, soirées littéraires, extraits de presse présentant les grands enjeux socioculturels d’alors.

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in media res (0825 – 1236). Manuel Sekou

Posted in photography, research on May 23rd, 2023
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in medias res is an ongoing selective collection of seemingly random online images as well as self-taken screenshots and photography. Featuring a selection of over 1200 pictures out of the personal archive, it deals with patterns of recognition, appropriation and contextualization of (popular) cultures. By reproduction through means of hard copy a shift of attention shall be provoked (in favor of THE IMAGE).

Following musical techniques of plunderphonics, the mode of situating and framing finds manifestation from 15th century renaissance art (emblem) through to present operating principles of the social media online platform instagram (hashtags). 
Focusing on reciprocal influence and interference between text and image, the project aims to intentionally subvert cultural codes of visual content and wording by allegory and metaphor. 
Associated figures of thought, socio-political terms, new slang, ambiguous terms of marketing and connotated phrases are addressed to expand (semiotic) nuances and undertones of modern day society (consumer culture, mainstream-noise, fashion-dynamics, politics / environmental issues), thus to challenge ways of perception of cultural sets of phenomena (meme).. 
Of course, a certain sense of humor is a substantial attitude of indifference to ride the jittering stream that shapes contours of global scenes of references and re-production of “meaning” through poor images.

in medias res is a context bundle. 
in medias res is a deep learning process. 
in medias res is highly subjective.

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Die Aufstellung. Rebekka Bauer. Verlag Marian Arnd

Posted in Exhibition catalogue, history, photography, writing on March 28th, 2023
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Die Aufstellung thematisiert die Weitergabe von Traumata des 2. Weltkriegs im Wohnhaus meiner Familie. Ausgangspunkt ist ein Archiv von 500 Metallobjekten, die mein Großvater, ein ehemaliger Wehrmachtssoldat, über mehrere Jahrzehnte im Keller unseres gemeinsamen Wohnhauses fertigte. Die Objekte werden in der handwerklichen Routine zu Trägern des Traumas. Um den Einfluss der unausgesprochenen Kriegserlebnisse auf den Familienalltag zu zeigen, setze ich die Metallgegenstände sowohl mit Kriegsfotografien als auch Familienfotos ins Verhältnis, die Ausschnitte aus dem Alltag meiner Familie bis in die frühen 2000er Jahre zeigen.

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We Love Our Employees. Fernando Gallegos, Alejandro Cartagena (Eds.). Gato Negro Ediciones

Posted in photography, writing, Zines on March 9th, 2023
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The photographs that are included in this book form part of the archive of the photographer Alberto Flores Varela. The majority were taken on commission by the Sociedad de Cuauhtémoc y Famosa (SCyF), an institution established in 1918 for Cervecería Cuauhtémoc (Cuauhtémoc Brewing Company), a company that marked the foundation of modern Monterrey. It´s worth noting that the context of those years was of revolution. The business´ elite was threatened by the labor rights included in the new constitution of 1917, which featured the right to strike. This is how the “most fortunate” workers of modern Monterrey were domesticated. It was thus decided to sacrifice freedom of expression, free association, and democratic representation of the workers, among other rights, in exchange for maintaining employment in “the company.” This book depicts the first flash of restrained disillusionment: ¨forever loyal.¨These images represent the seed of the social order that was established in many industrial cities around the world. 
Las fotografías que integran este libro forman parte del archivo del fotógrafo Alberto Flores Varela y la mayoría fueron tomadas por encargo de la Sociedad Cuauhtémoc y Famosa (SCyF), institución creada en 1918 por Cervecería Cuauhtémoc, empresa fundadora del Monterrey moderno. Cabe recordar que el contexto de aquellos años era de revolución. La élite empresarial se encontraba totalmente amenazada por la cartera de derechos laborales contenidos en la nueva constitución de 1917, que incluía el derecho a huelga. Callados, en la mesa familiar, sonriendo, levantando un poco más la botella, no tanto, ¡no se muevan! Así fueron domesticados los trabajadores “más afortunados” del Monterrey moderno. Estas imágenes representan la simiente del orden social que acabó por instalarse en muchas ciudades industriales del orbe. Así se decidió sacrificar la libertad de expresión, la libre asociación y la representación democrática de los trabajadores, entre otros derechos, a cambio de conservar el empleo en “la compañía”.

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Yves Klein Japon. Éditions Dilecta

Posted in painting, travel, writing on January 12th, 2023
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Yves Klein (1928–62) first traveled to Japan as a young man in 1952, motivated primarily by his interest in judo. During his 15 months abroad, Klein had numerous important creative and philosophical revelations that culminated in the launch of his artistic career upon his return to Paris.

Prepared in collaboration with the Yves Klein Archives, this volume details Klein’s relationship with Japan through nearly 150 archival documents, photographs and letters, inviting the reader on his journey from martial arts to fine art at the very beginning of his career. Along the way we learn of Klein’s important encounters with art critic Takachiyo Uemura, painter Keizo Koyama and design professor Masaki Yamaguchi. “Yves Klein Japon” provides essential insight into the origins of Klein’s oeuvre as both a groundbreaking visual artist and prolific writer whose short-lived career helped to transform postwar art.

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Hybrid Heads. Angela Jansen, Daniela Dossi. Nai010

Posted in Uncategorized on November 9th, 2022
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Headdresses and head coverings are among the most powerful vehicles of cultural identity, referring variously to nationality, subculture, gender, ethnicity, religion, and profession. Yet cultural identity is also continuously evolving. Hybrid Heads is a project by Daniela Dossi and the open collective studio Manoeuvre, a multidisciplinary, artist-run space in Ghent. Her long-term residency resulted in an open design method, a textile research project based on a visual and textual archive of head coverings from around the world, and a preliminary collection of hybrid headdresses. The project is an exhibition, an interactive installation, a web platform, and a design-educational programme.

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The Dynamic Archive 03. Irena Kukric (Eds.). Andrea Sick.

Posted in writing on March 7th, 2022
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The Dynamic Archive 01 ( has been an online platform since 2018. The Version Room as physical gallery space is known as The Dynamic Archive 02.

It compiles various margin notes and contexts related to the components of the online platform and the themes of collaborative work in the context of art, which were presented, performed or heard at certain points within the context of the artistic-scientific research project The Dynamic Archive, and are now the starting points for contributions to this book. The archive’s various framings are interrupted by numerous, very different Definitions of The Dynamic Archive written by invited artists, designers, and scientists who have had experiences with The Dynamic Archive, all of which demonstrate that The Dynamic Archive is a great many things simultaneously. Contributions range from artists who worked with us in our Artist in Residency programs, such as Ho Tzu Nyen and Antonia Baehr, to artists and designers who were invited to give a lecture like Susanne Kennedy, MPA, Emma Hedditch or Sven Jonke from Numen / For Use as well as many others who contributed with their components or within the program Version Room with The Dynamic Archive. This publication is as well an overview of how it has developed until now and a starting point for further thought on what The Dynamic Archive can be.

Contributions by: Florian Ackermann, Victor Artiga Rodriguez, Antonia Baehr, Ralf Baecker, Franziska Bauer, Heike Kati Barath, Harm Coordes, Jorn Ebner, Aria Farajnezhad, Ana Filipović, Elburuz Fidan, Anja Groten, Emma Hedditch, Lena Heins, Julian-Anthony Hespenheide, Iris Maria vom Hof, Pirkko Husemann, Moritz Ingwersen, Charlotte Jarvis, Susanne Kennedy, Irena Kukrić, Ingmar Lähnemann, Leon Lothschütz, Sebastian Lütgert, Mona Mahall, Katrin von Maltzahn, Johanna Mehl, Ixchel Mendoza Hernández, Eva Meyer-Keller, MPA, Numen / For Use, Henrik Nieratschker, Ho Tzu Nyen, Lucas Odahara, Dennis P. Paul, Luiza Prado, Marijana Radović, Iulia Radu, Guida Ribeiro, Emilia Schlosser, Asli Serbest, Pablo Somonte Ruano, Raphael Sbrzesny, Mona Schieren, Carmem Saito, Andrea Sick, Luiz Zanotello.

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