ED4M Presentation

Posted in Art, Artist Books / Monographs, Editions, Events, Film, Film Association K1NO1 Paris, K1no1, K1no1 MONOCINEMA, music, newsprint, poetry, Zines on November 6th, 2024
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Zine presentation and Screening ‘Making of ED4M’

November 8th, 2024
Screening starts 7 pm

+conversation with the artist with K1NO1

Motto – 38 rue du Vertbois – 75003 Paris

The main character is the electric train type ED4M, one of the most common in Russia since the mid-90s. This small detective story unfolds on newsprint, featuring carriage vestibules, doors, handles, and wanted persons. It immerses the audience in the realm between the living and the dead, accompanied by the sound of wheels clattering, exploring space, ritual, collective recognition, and personal experience. The Tbilisi weekly sports newspaper served as the prototype for this book.

ED4M (Electric train Demikhovsky, type 4) is a series of Russian DC electric trains produced from 1996 to 2016 at the Demikhovsky Machine-Building Plant. The first batch with increased comfort was manufactured for the Moscow Railway between 1999 and 2000. During this period, ED4 and ED4M models became the most significant electric trains for local purposes.

Zine features photographs by Ivan Anisimov taken between 2019 and 2022 before he left Russia. Further shooting was continued by his son Danila, who took four rolls of 35mm film in winter 2023. Zine design by Aeona Melnikova.

Screening is a documentation of the printing process of a zine in a print facility, Tbilisi.

Ivan Anisimov was born in Pereslavl-Zalessky, Russia, in 1988. For more than 10 years, he has been engaged in documentary film and photography, collecting archives from lost photographs and videos. He has carried out several photographic projects and is now based in Paris, France.

The event is organized within the framework of the cinema club and Film Association K1NO1 Paris.

Order zine here.


Posted in Art, Artist Books / Monographs, Editions, history, Monograph, music, newsprint, Zines on November 6th, 2024
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ED4 (Electric train Demikhovsky, type 4) is a series of Russian DC electric trains produced from 1996 to 2016 at the Demikhovsky Machine-Building Plant for the railways of Russia and the states of the republics of the former USSR.
In the period from 1999 to 2000, the first batch of electric trains with an increased level of comfort were manufactured. This batch was by order of the Moscow Railway, and was necessary for the implementation of local flights. In 2000, the first set of AC electrical equipment for ED9M electric trains was supplied by Electrosila OJSC. It was from these deliveries that the active introduction of the equipment of this company into production began. During this period, trains of the ED4 and ED4M models were the most significant and widespread electric trains used for local purposes.

The book features photographs by Ivan Anisimov taken between 2019 and 2022 before he left Russia. Further shooting was continued by his son Danila in accordance with the list provided by his father. In total Danila took four rolls of 35mm film in winter 2023.

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Posted in Art, Editions, Exhibitions, Zines on May 18th, 2024
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Table de Presse n°7 – Changement de Décor

Posted in photography, Zines on March 20th, 2024
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This edition comes packed in a plastic cover with the “L.A. Lawless” game, 2 silkscreen printed posters, “Table de presse n°5” and “HORS SERIE n°1”

La version papier de TDP N°7 – AVRIL 2020 – CHANGEMENT DE DÉCOR est parue ! Elle est disponible en 50 exemplaires dans une pochette plastique avec le jeu «L.A Lawless», deux affiches sérigraphiées et notre premier hors série : Table de presse n°5 — fevrier 2020 HORS SERIE n°1.

La ville, pour nous, a toujours été le décor de batailles politiques et poétiques entre le sérieux technocratique du béton et du verre et le charme désuet d’un coin de rue devenu archipel d’émancipation. Interroger la ville alors que nous sommes contraints de la déserter, lutter en proposant d’autres manières de la parcourir, et le jour de nos retrouvailles, reprendre la rue.

Pour notre septième table de presse, nous nous sommes interrogés sur notre façon d’habiter la ville. Face aux mesures exceptionnelles prises en réponse au coronavirus, notamment le confinement en France, nous avons été contraints à l’unité nationale. Est-ce que le confinement total était la seule réponse possible à la COVID-19 ? Cette crise offre la possibilité de questionner nos actions, artistiques ou autres.

Tabledepresse.com a été créé il y a 11 mois pour remettre en question nos “manières de faire et de montrer de l’art”. L’autonomie que nous avons cherché à instaurer est devenue essentielle aujourd’hui. Il est urgent d’introduire l’économie du don et la culture de l’open source dans la production artistique pour éviter la monopolisation par les grandes entreprises du numérique.

La ville, pour nous, a toujours été le décor de batailles politiques et poétiques entre le sérieux technocratique et le charme désuet d’un coin de rue devenu archipel d’émancipation.

Le 20 Mars 2020,

un bidonville de plusieurs familles d’une communauté de voyageurs a été expulsé de la rue de l’Acacia à Montreuil. La quasi totalité des maisons contruites ont été détruites. Le lieu qui s’apparente à une décharge depuis la destruction de leurs habitations est surveillé 7sur7 24sur24 par plusieurs agents de sécurité.

Je me suis rendu à plusieurs reprises dans ces lieux où j’ai photographié les cabanes encore en place, les tags inscrits sur les murs et les quelques traces restantes de celles et ceux qui ont vécu là plusieurs années.

fanzine imprimé au Sbis quai saint-vincent, à Lyon le 20 février 2020

Table De Presse et Studio Arpentage

C’est à la lueur d’un feu fait de résidus trouvés en route que nous nous réunissons. Une poussière grisâtre tombe du ciel et enveloppe le décor d’un épais manteau sec. Le banquet est court, le temps nous est compté.

Joyeux et incertains, nous traînons nos corps le long de la rive. Autour de nous, tout a changé de visage. Chacun porte à sa main un flambeau et je vois dans la lueur des flammes la complexité de leurs traits. Nous marchons côte à côte et à mesure que nos corps se frôlent, on a l’impression de déjà un peu mieux se connaître. De grimage en grimace je perçois la folie furieuse qui anime quelques un.e.s. On s’amuse de la situation; ça aurait pu être pire. L’odeur de la cendre n’est pas si âpre, la chaleur du sol pas tant brûlante.

L’une glisse le long de la colline derrière nous, elle s’est confectionnée une luge en laquelle elle a confiance et j’en- tends ses éclats de rire qui raisonnent dans cet espace im- mense. Nous avançons à pas de loup dans le brouillard épais, le temps est lourd mais les retrouvailles joyeuses.

Author: Table de Presse

Publisher: Table de Presse

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You wanted it darker

Posted in photography, Uncategorized, Zines on March 1st, 2024
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Thank you:

Team Glassbox
Amelie Lucas-Gary
Mathilde Belouali-Dejean
Maximilien Pellet
Mylene Audibert-Lebon

Louis Gary, 2020

Signed by the artist

Author: Louis Gary

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Es wäre besser 2022.8 – 2023.2. Zhijin Tian.

Posted in photography, Zines on November 2nd, 2023
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This book is my record of the stories that took place from the summer of 2022 to the early spring of 2023. This was me taking a break from school during my study abroad in Germany, and these photos helped me to remember the happy and indecisive times of finding mysel!.
I have been on the road in Berlin, Hirschaid, Frankfurt, Cologne and Italy, thanks to my friends Long, Junye, Selin, Andreas and Dagmar, as well as my friends in China, for giving me answers when I was lost. Hope this book can bring calmness and strength to those who are struggling and confused.

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Breathtakin’. Sara Hirayama. SP∞CE Magazine

Posted in photography, Zines on October 21st, 2023
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All shots taken in New York City, in the summer of 2023, by Sara Hirayama. 

[Sara Hirayama]
Creator of SP∞CE Magazine. Born in 2000, from Tokyo. In her photography, she excels in capturing the beauty of simplicity and the harmonious interplay of colors in everyday life. 


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Rent increase notice. Stefano Zotti.

Posted in photography, Zines on September 11th, 2023
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Rent increases In current tenancies the landlord can increase the rent to the local comparative rent. The rent increase must remain unchanged for 12 months. The rent can only be increased by 15% over a three year period. The landlord has to justify this rent increase. Following modernisation, the landlord can increase the rental on a apartment. This rent can increase by 8% annually, only from the cost of the modernisation, but maximum 2 or 3 Euros/sqm monthly, depending rentlevel before modernisation. Special ru- les apply to rent increases for social housing. Attention: On 15.4.2021, the Federal Constitutional Court declared the Berlin rent cap unconstitutional, which was getting into force since February 23rd of 2020.

Handmade numbered edition 03/10, including an original 10 х 15 cm C-print

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Landscape. Stefan Marx. Nieves

Posted in Zines on March 30th, 2023
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Stefan Marx (*1979) is a Hamburg based artist. His T-shirt label The Lousy Livincompany is a platform for his drawings published on T-shirts. He has worked for numerous skateboard and T-shirt labels worldwide. His artist books are published by Nieves, Rollo-Press, and Christoph Keller Editions/JRP Ringier – beside these releases he publishes regulary by himself. All Smallville Records releases are visually defined by Marx’ drawings. Smallville Records is also the label of his band The Dead Sea. He has lectured widely in Germany and taught Drawing at the Bauhaus University in Weimar.

We Love Our Employees. Fernando Gallegos, Alejandro Cartagena (Eds.). Gato Negro Ediciones

Posted in photography, writing, Zines on March 9th, 2023
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The photographs that are included in this book form part of the archive of the photographer Alberto Flores Varela. The majority were taken on commission by the Sociedad de Cuauhtémoc y Famosa (SCyF), an institution established in 1918 for Cervecería Cuauhtémoc (Cuauhtémoc Brewing Company), a company that marked the foundation of modern Monterrey. It´s worth noting that the context of those years was of revolution. The business´ elite was threatened by the labor rights included in the new constitution of 1917, which featured the right to strike. This is how the “most fortunate” workers of modern Monterrey were domesticated. It was thus decided to sacrifice freedom of expression, free association, and democratic representation of the workers, among other rights, in exchange for maintaining employment in “the company.” This book depicts the first flash of restrained disillusionment: ¨forever loyal.¨These images represent the seed of the social order that was established in many industrial cities around the world. 
Las fotografías que integran este libro forman parte del archivo del fotógrafo Alberto Flores Varela y la mayoría fueron tomadas por encargo de la Sociedad Cuauhtémoc y Famosa (SCyF), institución creada en 1918 por Cervecería Cuauhtémoc, empresa fundadora del Monterrey moderno. Cabe recordar que el contexto de aquellos años era de revolución. La élite empresarial se encontraba totalmente amenazada por la cartera de derechos laborales contenidos en la nueva constitución de 1917, que incluía el derecho a huelga. Callados, en la mesa familiar, sonriendo, levantando un poco más la botella, no tanto, ¡no se muevan! Así fueron domesticados los trabajadores “más afortunados” del Monterrey moderno. Estas imágenes representan la simiente del orden social que acabó por instalarse en muchas ciudades industriales del orbe. Así se decidió sacrificar la libertad de expresión, la libre asociación y la representación democrática de los trabajadores, entre otros derechos, a cambio de conservar el empleo en “la compañía”.

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