Wer braucht eine freundin, wenn er einen todesstrahl haben kann? Juliane Liebert. POPUP PRESS.

Posted in photography, writing on November 9th, 2013
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Wer braucht eine freundin, wenn er einen todesstrahl haben kann? Juliane Liebert. POPUP PRESS.

Monologues, photos and snapshots of Berlin.
A6, 96 pages.
Language: German

Price: €8.00

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frieze d/e #9

Posted in magazines, painting, photography, sculpture, writing on April 12th, 2013
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A new art school? Statements by 30 artists, writers and architects.

Over the past two decades, Berlin’s growth into an international art metropolis has brought many people to the city. A number of these imports teach art – seemingly in all other cities but Berlin. The city’s two schools providing full-scale arts education – the Universität der Künste (UdK) and the Hochschule Berlin Weissensee – were established long before 1989.

Since 2006, if not before, discussions about the UdK’s organizational and administrative politics have flared up – generated, for one, by the stepping down of Stan Douglas and Daniel Richter as professors, a development the UdK attempted to atone for by appointing prominent professors such as Olafur Eliasson (whose assignment though ends March 2014). Weissensee has seen an outflow of professors with international profiles to teaching posts in other cities – Karin Sander has taught in Zurich since 2007, Katharina Grosse in Düsseldorf since 2010 – and the school has gone the way of appointing guest professors and lecturers.

Reputations, ratings and capacities for reform aside, the question still presents itself whether Berlin, given its manifold art scene, is in need of new models and directions for its art education. In 2006–7, the one-year temporary project unitednationsplaza underscorred the city’s desire for an informal art school mediating its larger, international art discourse.

Does the current situation suffice? If not, what form would a new institute ideally take? frieze d/e asked Monica BONVICINI, Helmut DRAXLER, Tom HOLERT and Robert KUDIELKA for extended responses to these questions. A set of additional artists and theorists also contributed shorter statements.

Finally, six artists and architects – Roger BUNDSCHUH, Eva GRUBINGER, Sabine HORNIG, Michelle HOWARD, KUEHN MALVEZZI, and Studio MIESSEN – were asked to submit concrete drafts for the design and structure of a new art academy.

And much more…

Editors: Matthew Slotover, Amanda Sharp
Language: German / English
Pages: 158

Price: €8.50
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Art Review #67

Posted in magazines on April 5th, 2013
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Art Review #67

April 2013

Berlin: The final installment of our three-part guide to the city’s art scene.

Wolfgang Tillmans: The World Through My Lens

Design: A special focus on the relationship between design and art, featuring Maurizio Cattelan, Karl Lagerfed, Konstantin Grcic and many more.

D 9.50€

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032c Magazine #23

Posted in lifestyle, magazines, photography on September 17th, 2012
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032c is a contemporary culture magazine that fiercely believes in the intelligence of its readers, and rises to the challenge of surprising them. Published twice a year, it is both timely and timeless—a celebration of and for the most cutting-edge in art, culture, and fashion.

Finding the new in the old and the old in the new, it is considered the “Berlin magazine that propagates an aesthetic of brutal elegance” by the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, or simply as the “revue ultra-pointue” by Vogue Paris.

D 12 €

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Secret Language The Code Breakers. Stephen Willats. Galerie Thomas Schulte.

Posted in Exhibition catalogue, Motto Berlin store on September 11th, 2012
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Secret Language The Code Breakers, Stephen Willats, published by Galerie Thomas Schulte.

Since the 1960s, Stephen Willats is counted as one of the most influential protagonists of international conceptual art in England. One of the main focuses of his work has always been the examination of urban realities by means of communication processes, network formation, and self-organising structures. Willats illustrates various systems of social interaction through an array of drawings, diagrams, photo-collages, computer-operated communication-devices, and animations. The artist works directly with people: their relationships to each other – be it in a private or professional environment – as well as their relationship to an omnipresent system of everyday symbols; from architectural structures to objects, materials, and sounds that surround us continually. Willats poses the question as to how the personal values and lebensraum of the individual are perceived within society, and how society defines and adopts them.

Language: German/English

D 15€

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Battlefield, Jérôme Leuba

Posted in Editions, Motto Berlin store, sculpture on March 21st, 2012
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Produced in conjunction with Geneva – Berlin residency, Atelier Schönhauser Berlin, battlefield presents a selection of living sculptures made by the artist Jérôme Leuba between 2008-2010.

Jérôme Leuba (*1970, Geneva Switzerland) works with photography, video and installation. Since 2004, most of his pieces are gathered under the title “battlefield”.

D 19.50€



Kim Seob Boninsegni: Mining For Pearls

Posted in Editions, Exhibition catalogue on March 20th, 2012
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Artist Book

Kim Seob Boninsegni: Mining For Pearls

With Texts by:
Liam Gillick
Sarina Basta
Daniel Baunmann
Giovanni Carmine
Piero Golia
Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster
Pierre Joseph
Justin Liberman
Tobias Madison
Elli Medeiros
Damián Navarro
Mai-Thu Perret
Guillaume Pilet
Emmanuel Rossetti
Wolf Günter Theil

Published by Atelier Schönhauser Berlin

D 10€


Kuehn Malvezzi – Index. Mousse Publishing.

Posted in writing on January 25th, 2012
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Kuehn Malvezzi – Index. Mousse Publishing.

The presentation of Kuehn Malvezzi’s new monograph, titled KUEHN MALVEZZI – INDEX is strikingly straightforward: the projects created by the Berlin-based architects over the last decade are exclusively narrated through images, with the sole textual presence consisting of selected reprints of previously published theoretical treatises and interviews. Nothing was added to the volume that would interfere with the narratives, evoked here by the juxtaposed visual sequence of public, private and exhibition spaces. All references are listed on the cover jacket, which also acts as the index.

D 28 €


Notizen zu Berlin. Jérôme Knebuch.

Posted in writing on January 7th, 2012

Notizen zu Berlin. Jérôme Knebuch.

Gelesenes, Gehörtes, Gefundenes, Erfundenes, Erlebtes & Gelogenes / Ein Buch von Jérôme Knebusch

»Diese Stadt, dieses brausende Verkehrszentrum, dieser prachtvolle Irrwitz von Lichtern, Motoren, Dynamos und Betonklötzen, diese großartige Mischung von Dieben, Kommerzienräten, Diplomaten, Hausbesitzern und Schrebergärtenanwärtern hat keine eigentliche Tradition. Sie zieht Dich nicht in sich hinein wie Paris, sie nagelt Dich nicht fest wie Moskau, sie frißt Dich nicht auf wie New York und Shanghai. Berlin ist eine Bewegung ohne Mittelpunkt.« [Auszug N° 73]

Notizen zu Berlin dokumentiert eine vergebliche Suche nach der Identität der Stadt. Das Buch mischt und projiziert in 221 Kapiteln verschiedene Quellen, die Jérôme Knebusch während seines Aufenthaltes aufgesucht hat. Die 20er Jahre schließen sich an die heutige Zeit an, voller Irrwege und anderer Gedanken. Berlin erscheint schwebend und »jedesmal nicht ganz die Gleiche, nicht ganz eine Andere«. Passend zu den Texten hat der Autor die Schrift gezeichnet, welche Zeichen aus den Straßenschildern integriert wie das typische ß oder y.

Zweisprachige Ausgabe [Deutsch-Französisch] • 112 Seiten, 12,5 x 20 cm • Silber Offsetdruck auf Ispira Mistero Papier von Fedrigoni • Faden- und Klebebindung • gefalteter Umschlag • Konzept, Redaktion, Satz, Schriftgestaltung: Jérôme Knebusch • Aus dem Deutschen übersetzt von Aida Kaboré • Lektorat Hélène Doub • Gefördert vom Conseil Général de la Moselle • Limitierte Ausgabe : 10 numerierte & signierte Exemplare + originaler Druckbogen, beidseitig, 100 x 70 cm


Choses lues, entendues, trouvées, inventées, vécues & autres mensonges / Un livre de Jérôme Knebusch

«Cette ville, ce nœud bruyant du trafic, cette merveilleuse absurdité de lumières, de moteurs, de dynamos et de blocs de béton, ce formidable mélange de voleurs, de grossistes, de diplomates, de propriétaires immobiliers et d’aspirants aux jardins ouvriers n’a pas de véritable tradition. Elle ne t’avale pas comme Paris, elle ne te retient pas comme Moscou, elle ne te dévore pas comme New York et Shanghai. Berlin est un mouvement sans centre. » [Extrait N° 73]

Notizen zu Berlin procède d’une quête impossible de l’identité de la ville. Le livre compulse et tresse en 221 chapitres divers sources consultées durant la résidence de Jérôme Knebusch à Berlin. Les années 1920 rejoignent l’époque contemporaine, dans une errance qui suit le cheminement de la pensée. Berlin apparaît en suspens et n’est chaque fois, ni tout à fait la même ni tout à fait une autre». Pour accompagner ces textes, l’auteur a dessiné le caractère typographique en y intégrant des signes que l’on trouve dans les panneaux de rues comme le ß typique ou le y.

Édition bilingue [Français-Allemand] • 112 pages, 12,5 x 20 cm • impression offset argentée sur papier Ispira Mistero de Fedrigoni • reliure cousu collé • jaquette dépliable • conception, rédaction, mise en pages, dessin de caractères: Jérôme Knebusch • traduction vers le français par Aida Kaboré • relecture Hélène Doub • avec le soutien du Conseil Général de la Moselle • Édition limitée : 10 exemplaires numérotés & signés + bon à tirer original recto/verso, 70 x 100 cm

D 18€
