rent increase notice
Author: Stefano Zotti
Publisher: Self-Published
Language: English
Pages: 24
Size: 14.5 x 21 cm
200 g
Binding: Softcover
In stock
Product Description
Rent increases In current tenancies the landlord can increase the rent to the local comparative rent. The rent increase must remain unchan- ged for 12 months. The rent can only be increased by 15% over a three year period. The landlord has to justify this rent increase. Following modernisation, the landlord can increase the rental on a apartment. This rent can increase by 8% annually, only from the cost of the modernisation, but maximum 2 or 3 Euros/sqm monthly, depending rentlevel before modernisation. Special ru- les apply to rent increases for social housing. Attention: On 15.4.2021, the Federal Constitutional Court decla- red the Berlin rent cap unconstitutional, which was getting into force since February 23rd of 2020.
Handmade numbered edition 03/10, including an original 10 х 15 cm C-print