Andy Warhol. abstrakt. Kunsthalle Basel . 1993

Posted in Art, Artist Books / Monographs, Monograph on July 27th, 2024
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Between 1977 and 1986, Andy Warhol created six series of paintings of various sizes, which even today are little known. Rather than featuring mass-produced photographic reproductions of well-known personalities, products, and events, these six series reveal a bent for painting in abstract patterns. Thirty-six examples of Warhol’s abstract paintings, together with a selection of stills from his early films, are presented for the first time.

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statementhouseRCA + statementhousetanlin

Posted in Architecture, Artist Books / Monographs, Exhibition catalogue, Motto Books, poetry on April 30th, 2024
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@shouseRCA and @shousetanlin are two publications from their respective Twitter accounts. Each account was one of the two voices of the statementhouse (temporary title) built at the Royal College of Art in London in 2015.

The house “spoke” in two ways. One was that of the arrangements of texts and ordinary situations that punctuated its daily life through the action of the two curators Sophie Oxenbridge and Katie Reynolds (@shouseRCA). The other voice was that of poet Tan Lin, echoing it remotely from New York (@shousetanlin).

The two voices answered and prompted each other.

TBOOK is a fictitious publishing house that proposes to transform the Twitter scroll into a book form.

Author: Jean-Pascal Flavien, Tan Lin

Publisher: TBook; Motto Books

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Found Serendipity

Posted in Artist Books / Monographs, photography on April 13th, 2024
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While walking, one captures the fleeting and ordinary objects encountered in the form of images. These captured images are then reassembled to ponder the impermanence of these objects, encouraging a renewed perspective on the everyday items that surround us. Since 2015, she has been photographing objects on the street, collecting and studying images on site STREETOBJET. Found Serendipity juxtaposes images of common objects found by chance on the streets with exhibition-style captions, inviting the viewer to linger between the lines, appreciate, and imagine the essence of these object images. Each book cover is uniquely stamped, creating a serendipitous arrangement.

Author: Hong, Ji-Sun

Publisher: Plate

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Andrei Monastyrski: Elementary Poetry

Posted in Artist Books / Monographs on April 2nd, 2024
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Russian poet, author, artist and art theorist Andrei Monastyrski (born 1949) is, along with Ilya Kabakov, one of the founders of conceptualism in Russia, and a protagonist of Collective Actions, a group of artists who have organized participatory actions on the outskirts of Moscow since 1976. Though his poetry is less well known, poetry is where he began. After writing in the manner of the Russian modernists (who were newly available to Soviet readers during Khrushchev’s thaw), Monastyrski’s interest in John Cage and ideas about consciousness from Western and Eastern philosophical traditions led him to conduct experiments with sound, form and the creation of artistic situations involving constructed objects that required viewer engagement to complete. Elementary Poetry collects poems, books and action objects from the ’70s and ’80s, tracing a genealogy of the art action in poetry.

Author: Brian Droitcour, Yelena Kalinsky (Eds.)

Publisher: Ugly Duckling Presse; Soberscove Press

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