Picky Eating. Dongnyeok Choi.

Posted in food, photography, Self published on June 21st, 2023
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Pyeonsik (Picky Eating) refers to the act of not eating a specific food or eating only a specific food for various reasons or problem of taste.

It’s up to you to decide what food you eat. Strangely, the idea that you should eat well is prevalent in Korea. Perhaps it can be said that it is related to Korean food culture. In Korea, there is a culture of rice mixed with various kinds of side dishes and eaten little by little. In this culture, picky eating will be a habit that is difficult to see in a good perspective. If you don’t eat many kinds of side dishes evenly, there will be leftovers, which is an act that adults don’t like. Also, mechanical egalitarianism, which says, “What I eat should be eaten by others,” plays a part. Because Korean think homogeneity is too important, they often cannot accept the fact that others can’t eat what I eat. And also say “Why don’t you eat this?” and “Why don’t you eat this delicious thing?”

So, it is not easy to proudly say that you are a picky eater in Korea because of this view. However, there is nothing more painful than forcing yourself to eat something you don’t want to eat. I don’t have enough time to eat only what I like, but I wonder if I have to eat food that I hate while enduring this pain.

After you read it up to here, you’re like, “Oh, this person has a picky taste.” “Isn’t it just an excuse?”‘ I saw it exactly if I thought so. I’m a picky eater. Also, writing such a long article about picky eating is because I think the world is too harsh for a person who is suddenly picky.

Anyway, this book is a collection of ingredients that I don’t eat. If you look at the ingredients in it, you may wonder this man even don’t eat this? But first, I have to make it clear that I don’t eat this unconditionally. 
If the ingredients lose their original taste and play a good role in certain foods, I tend to eat. It may be a little embarrassing not to eat something, but through this book, I want to proudly reveal that I am a picky eater.

In conclusion, what I’m trying to say through this book is that I just want the world to be a little generous with people who are picky. Wouldn’t it be better to just understand rather than point your finger at picky eaters? It is possible that others may hate what I like or others may like what I hate. Just as each person has a different face, their eating habits are different. I have a very pleasant diet even though I have a lot of food that I don’t eat, so I want you to admit that it’s different sometimes. It’s just my little wish. Anyway, if you have read up to here, I hope you will accept this book with a generous heart. We are now starting to talk about the ingredients we saw from the perspective of a picky eater.

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Why do hoodie strings taste so good? Ignacy Radtke.

Posted in research, Self published on June 20th, 2023
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This text is an attempt to explain the importance of comfort regulation, through sensory stimulation. Whether that be from fidgeting, through masturbation to cuddling and other activities. This thesis is about self-regulation and the objects which visualise that need. From the Freudian psychoanalysis idea of child development through transitional objects introduced by Donald Winnicot to Dakimakura phenomena in otaku culture in a Japanese society that seeks closeness to cute pastelle vibrators which are overflowing the sex toys market. The attempt to answer this question: “Why do hoodie strings taste so good?” seeks to answer the overarching need for constant adjustment to the environment we live in.

I’m intrigued by the need for biting, sucking, and tapping random objects. The fidgeting era is here! We are overwhelmed by all kinds of spinners, popping toys, anti-stress devices, dopamine booster, etc. What is it all about and why have fidget spinners became such a hype in the recent years? Have you ever considered why your hoodie strings taste so good? Have you caught yourself while compulsively sucking them in the metro or at the bus stop? This thesis will endeavour to answer these questions. The answer might be much easier and more pragmatic than we think. In contradiction to my deep analysis in the following sections, one of the reddit users wrote in response to the above question: Why do hoodie strings taste so good?

“Just don’t do it! After sucking them a few times, they become bacteria factories/colonies, so taste (and probably smell) evolves over time. Don’t suck and chew them!! They do, however, work as good, reachable things to practise finger dexterity – to tie knots into and practice rope binding”.

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Rasto. Mircea Sorin Albuțiu.

Posted in photography, Self published, travel on June 8th, 2023
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You see what I see? On the bed, we see the soft touch of the light filtered by the curtains that open to the morning’s gestures.
Each day images appear, certain of new discoveries in a foreign land. In the silence of the journey towards creating a picture, feet scratch the sand and the body inscribes a shape in our gaze. Now, places are inhabited by languid, curious gestures and unspoken words. In Mircea’s images, bodies speak, movements express a time saturated with waiting. The echo emerges from the artist’s expression, through the unconscious perspective of lenses, mediators of a broader vision.

Tu vês o que eu vejo? Sobre a cama, vemos o toque suave da luz coada pelas cortinas que se abrem aos gestos da manhã. A cada dia surge o registo, na certeza de uma nova descoberta no país dos outros. No silêncio do percurso para o desenho, os pés riscam a areia e o corpo inscreve uma forma no olhar. Agora, os lugares são habitados por gestos languidos, curiosos e pelas palavras não ditas. Nas imagens de Mircea, os corpos falam, os movimentos expressam um tempo saturado da espera. O eco surge na expressão do artista, através do inconsciente ótico das lentes mediadoras de uma visão maior.

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A-B (Cassette). Linus Bonduelle.

Posted in music, Self published on April 27th, 2023
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A-B features two sound works made in 2022, both recorded and edited in Charlois, Rotterdam. 
Side A, ‘Walk’, is best listened to when going out for a stroll. It is a guided tour with a narrator-companion holding an essayistic monologue about how we observe the world and ourselves while walking. Side B, ‘Sticks and Bells’, is a pastoral play choreographed for an array of 12 cowbells and 12 walking sticks, which tells the story of a conflict between a group of hikers and a herd of cows. The riso-printed libretto to this instrumental piece is published with the tape.


released February 16, 2023 

All sounds recorded in Charlois, Rotterdam. 

Printed at KIOSK Rotterdam, bound at De Boog Rotterdam. 

A big thanks to the performers of Sticks and Bells: Ash Kilmartin, Bobby Sayers, Bruno Neves, Claudia Schouten, Ghislain Amar, Kate Price, Kirsten Van Lienden, Lisa Meijer, Małgorzata Miśniakiewicz, Marie Saladin, Marloes de Vries, Matt Plezier and Ronja Calle. 

Further thanks to Ash Kilmartin, Flip Driest and Frédéric Van de Velde.

Shell-printed cassette with a riso-printed cover. Includes the libretto to Sticks and Bells. Hand-printed, cut and bound at KIOSK and De Boog Rotterdam. Edition of 50. 

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Urofagia. Dale Gass Barry.

Posted in novel, Self published, Uncategorized, writing on April 18th, 2023
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The harsh realities of life in Berlin are laid bare in this short novel. From the piss drenched corners of the club scene, to the inevitable slide into madness. This is not therapy. This is not an addiction. It’s a fetish – of course it is. UROFAGIA – a love story with no boundaries. 

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Atelier Antwerp. Ilja Keizer

Posted in photography, Self published on April 8th, 2023
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Atelier Antwerp is a portraits collection of contemporary Belgian Artists.

Featuring Sarah Neutkens – Porcelain id – Melody Van Gompel – Misha Demoustier – Nora El Koussour – Sam de Nef – Thibaud Frank Dooms – Lisa – Koo Gautama – Roosbeef- Kleine Crack – Gijs & Lisa – the Visual – Willem Ardui – Noa Lee – The Haunted Youth – Whispering Sons.

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Posted in photography, Self published on April 6th, 2023
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The Aforementioned examines the dynamic relationship between object and human usage. It’s a collection of images that document the objects we encounter in daily life, in a personal yet archival manner.

This collection provides a soulful / geometric interpretation of the linkage between the object and the user. Some object stands oddly intruding from its environment, some sits quietly hidden from any attention, whether artificial or natural, object serves a purpose to someone or something at one point in time. From a cut opened steel fence to mystery hands at an intersection, they are seemingly unrelated yet deeply connected. The sequence reflects on the randomness of a daily encounter giving each occurrence a voice of its own.

Designed by Louis Kang
Introduction by Valarie Frost
Printed with Sensations Print in Taipei

Edition of 100

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THROWING MUD. Luca Anzalone, Lily Pearmain (Eds.).

Posted in photography, sculpture, Self published, workshop on March 22nd, 2023
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A diary of liberated gestures in clay.
Throwing Mud is a collection of photographs that document Luca and Lily reconnecting with play in their creative process through freedom of form and gesture.

“Lily Pearmain and Luca Anzalone spent a week playing with their respective materials in each other’s company. Lily with clay, and Luca with film. The whole project was an experiment in playing naively with materials that both authors had become accustomed to using. The resulting photographs have been collated here in a book, which the authors hope will act as a guide to play and childlike exploration of common materials.”

Limited edition of 300.  
Cover screen printed in terracotta clay

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White Water. Elena Bollette

Posted in photography, Self published, Uncategorized, writing on March 20th, 2023
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A journey into Miami’s ghetto. A gang, writing classes, a bicycle, rap songs, turquoise houses, dollars, a strip club and North Beach ocean. A love story forbidden by the silent rules of the streets of Liberty City. A solar depiction of a place where fates are sealed. She is Ella. His name is June. Burnt by the sun, they are watching the white shapes of water, “White Water”.

“White Water” takes the reader on a journey through Liberty City, a poor neighborhood in Miami. It draws the story of two characters divided by everything: Ella & June. A hybrid project, this story is related by both a book and a movie. Analog photographs, raps, poems & interviews will immerse you into the hood alongside the fiction. The short movie acts as a symbolic and poetic depiction of the story. Both are connected, independent & intrinsic.

“White Water” offers a reading as an artistic experience. It is an adventure, an exploration, and a questioning of the self and the others. Halfway between a novel and an art book, “White Water” offers an adventure, an exploration and a questioning of oneself and of others.

Limited edition of 150 copies

Un voyage dans le ghetto de Miami. Un gang, des cours d’écriture, un vélo, du rap, des maisons turquoise, des dollars, un strip club et l’océan de North Beach. Une intrigue amoureuse interdite par les lois silencieuses des rues de Liberty City. Le portrait solaire d’un lieu où les destinées sont déjà écrites. Elle s’appelle Ella, il s’appelle June. Brûlés par le soleil, ils regardent les formes blanches de l’eau, “White Water”.

“White Water” offre au lecteur un voyage dans un quartier pauvre de Miami appelé Liberty City et tisse un portrait de ce lieu à travers le regard de deux personnages que tout sépare : Ella & June. Projet hybride, il se décline sous la forme d’un livre et d’un court-métrage. Le livre est un roman de fiction accompagné de photographies, de raps, de poèmes et d’interviews. Le court-métrage agit comme un portrait poétique et symbolique de la fiction. Ils sont connectés, intrinsèques et à la fois indépendants. 

À mi-chemin entre le roman et le livre d’art,“White Water” se veut une aventure, une exploration et un questionnement sur soi et sur les autres.

Édition limitée de 150 exemplaire

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Posted in photography, Self published, Zines on May 29th, 2022
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“Panoramas: everything is connected. All PANORAMAS photos were taken with iPhone 6s and 7. When I first used iPhone in 2017 I accidentally took a picture with the panorama function. Thereafter I’ve been recording panoramas of every scenery I want to remember. This book is my iPhone panorama records for the past five years. While working on this project I realized that everything was connected. Scenes and time that flow into small memories eventually connect with each others and are part of my persona.”
–Lee Hyewon

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