Dehors par Amélie Lucas-Gary Nus Fleurs Fleuristes Nus Fleurs Fleuristes II NFF III Voyage au Pouliguen Grasse en Avril Les Anciennes Auberges de Jeunesse Nu aux Pavillons-sous-Bois
Dehors par Amélie Lucas-Gary Nus Fleurs Fleuristes Nus Fleurs Fleuristes II NFF III Voyage au Pouliguen Grasse en Avril Les Anciennes Auberges de Jeunesse Nu aux Pavillons-sous-Bois
Repertoire zeigt eine Sammlung von Zeichnungen und Fotografien gewöhnlicher Situationen und Elemente der gebauten Umwelt und mag zur selbstverständlichen Erweiterung des entwerferischen Repertoires anregen.
“Repertoire” shows a collection of drawings and photographs of common situations and elements of the built environment and may inspire the natural expansion of the design repertoire.
“Oda Pälmke’s way of working is characterized by the methodology of appropriation, the appropriation of found material. It is a strategy that allows a fruitful examination of the real. Casual and trivial, found and invented develop new levels of meaning through their specific way of working through. If everything can once again become “starting material for transformations”, everything can again become “raw material for productions”, says Peter Sloterdijk, there is no creative creation ex nihilo and the modern phantasm of tabula rasa is overcome. The creative process then consists in finding an attitude towards what has been found and developing a story from it. ”(Anh-Linh Ngo, publisher ARCH +)
The Aforementioned examines the dynamic relationship between object and human usage. It’s a collection of images that document the objects we encounter in daily life, in a personal yet archival manner.
This collection provides a soulful / geometric interpretation of the linkage between the object and the user. Some object stands oddly intruding from its environment, some sits quietly hidden from any attention, whether artificial or natural, object serves a purpose to someone or something at one point in time. From a cut opened steel fence to mystery hands at an intersection, they are seemingly unrelated yet deeply connected. The sequence reflects on the randomness of a daily encounter giving each occurrence a voice of its own.
Designed by Louis Kang Introduction by Valarie Frost Printed with Sensations Print in Taipei
ca. 100 Hundetüten gesammelt von Simon Freund, kuratiert von Leonie Herweg, gesetzt von Paul Jürgens, mit Texten von Sophia Eisenhut und Olga Hohmann. Jedes Buch ist ein Unikat, die Anordnung der Bilder variiert.