
Posted in Art, Artist Books / Monographs, photography, poetry on January 23rd, 2025
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Pictures of the moon, the ultimate topos in photography, have been given a new twist in Erik Steinbrecher’s MONDFOTOGRAFIE. The Swiss artist collects pictures of the moon and rephotographs them, placing a finger on the lens. In this way, images of the full moon are transformed into obscure crescents.

MONDFOTOGRAFIE is a dark and witty artist’s book that takes a subtle, yet illuminating approach not only to the discourse on the photographic image but also to the interpretation and reading of images in general.

Erik Steinbrecher (born 1963 in Basel, lives and works in Berlin) is known to a wide international audience particularly since his participation in documenta X (1997) as well as further major institutional presentations such as at Kunst-Werke in Berlin, MoMA PS1 in New York, the Kunsthalle Vienna, the Museum Haus Konstruktiv in Zurich or The Weserburg Museum of Modern Art in Bremen. His work as artist has developed in two main directions; the areas of sculpture and architecture as well as the realm of publication. Steinbrecher released numerous books and printed matters, which always expose a strong conceptual idea and function as independent artworks.

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ED4M Presentation

Posted in Art, Artist Books / Monographs, Editions, Events, Film, Film Association K1NO1 Paris, K1no1, K1no1 MONOCINEMA, music, newsprint, poetry, Zines on November 6th, 2024
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Zine presentation and Screening ‘Making of ED4M’

November 8th, 2024
Screening starts 7 pm

+conversation with the artist with K1NO1

Motto – 38 rue du Vertbois – 75003 Paris

The main character is the electric train type ED4M, one of the most common in Russia since the mid-90s. This small detective story unfolds on newsprint, featuring carriage vestibules, doors, handles, and wanted persons. It immerses the audience in the realm between the living and the dead, accompanied by the sound of wheels clattering, exploring space, ritual, collective recognition, and personal experience. The Tbilisi weekly sports newspaper served as the prototype for this book.

ED4M (Electric train Demikhovsky, type 4) is a series of Russian DC electric trains produced from 1996 to 2016 at the Demikhovsky Machine-Building Plant. The first batch with increased comfort was manufactured for the Moscow Railway between 1999 and 2000. During this period, ED4 and ED4M models became the most significant electric trains for local purposes.

Zine features photographs by Ivan Anisimov taken between 2019 and 2022 before he left Russia. Further shooting was continued by his son Danila, who took four rolls of 35mm film in winter 2023. Zine design by Aeona Melnikova.

Screening is a documentation of the printing process of a zine in a print facility, Tbilisi.

Ivan Anisimov was born in Pereslavl-Zalessky, Russia, in 1988. For more than 10 years, he has been engaged in documentary film and photography, collecting archives from lost photographs and videos. He has carried out several photographic projects and is now based in Paris, France.

The event is organized within the framework of the cinema club and Film Association K1NO1 Paris.

Order zine here.

statementhouseRCA + statementhousetanlin

Posted in Architecture, Artist Books / Monographs, Exhibition catalogue, Motto Books, poetry on April 30th, 2024
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@shouseRCA and @shousetanlin are two publications from their respective Twitter accounts. Each account was one of the two voices of the statementhouse (temporary title) built at the Royal College of Art in London in 2015.

The house “spoke” in two ways. One was that of the arrangements of texts and ordinary situations that punctuated its daily life through the action of the two curators Sophie Oxenbridge and Katie Reynolds (@shouseRCA). The other voice was that of poet Tan Lin, echoing it remotely from New York (@shousetanlin).

The two voices answered and prompted each other.

TBOOK is a fictitious publishing house that proposes to transform the Twitter scroll into a book form.

Author: Jean-Pascal Flavien, Tan Lin

Publisher: TBook; Motto Books

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Il Gambero Cosmografico 1965, Il Granchiolino Immamorato 1967 1968-2018

Posted in poetry, Sound on March 10th, 2024
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Henri Chopin (18 June 1922 – 3 January 2008) was a French avant-garde poet and musician: he is widely considered to be a pioneer in the recognition and distribution of sound-poetry. Besides poetry and music, his practice includes paining, graphic design, typography, independant publishing and filmmaking; Chopin’s work is a barometer of the shifts in European media between the 1950s and the 1970s.
In 1964 he created OU, one of the most notable reviews of the second half of the 20th century, and he ran it until 1974. OU’s contributors included William S. Burroughs, Brion Gysin, Gil J Wolman, François Dufrêne, Bernard Heidsieck, John Furnival, Tom Phillips, and the Austrian sculptor, writer and Dada pioneer Raoul Hausmann.

Chopin spent a lot of time in Naples from the beginning of the 1980s due to his collaborative projects with Peppe Morra, founder of Fondazione Morra, one of the most renowned spaces for contemporary art active within the city. Morra and Chopin worked closely together up until the final years of the French artist’s life. During this time they produced numerous publications, a large number of which were based on his stunning production of “typewriter poems”. Chopin found a new possibility for poetry both within sound and the written form; with a formal approach he constructed a new alphabetical narration that actually had no responsibility for communication.
His personal production — consisting of typewriter-poems and sound performances — is an inspired attempt to open the medium of poetry into a form described by Chopin as ‘a poetry of spaces’: demonstrating ‘the sensory superiority of sound as opposed to normal speech, and […] free man from the straightjacket of words and letters and from his obedience to didactics.’

This book contains a text by Stelio Maria Martini.

Author: Henri Chopin

Publisher: Edizioni Morra

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Planet A. Kati Gausmann. Textem Verlag

Posted in geography, photography, poetry, writing on November 4th, 2023
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Planet A versammelt Werkserien der letzten fünfzehn Jahre zu Bewegungen der Erde und der Elemente, die sich in äußerst unterschiedlichen Zeiträumen und Ausmaßen vollziehen und so in jeweils anderer Relation zum menschlichen Maß in Raum und Zeit stehen. Das Buch gibt einen sinnlichen Einblick in die künstlerischen Prozesse Kati Gausmanns, die natur- und geisteswissenschaftliche Studien, Atelierarbeit und in Fieldwork vor Ort eingesetzte künstlerische Mittel verbinden. Auf poetische Weise vermitteln sich die unterschiedlichen Landschaften, in denen die Werke entstanden sind, und die ihnen zugrunde liegenden natürlichen Prozesse. Ein Essay von Hanne Loreck entfaltet die Komplexität dieser künstlerischen Praxis, ordnet sie in den aktuellen Diskurs ein und zeigt Bezüge zu aktuellen Fragen des Planetaren und des Anthropozäns auf. 

Planet A presents work series from the last fifteen years that focus on the movements of the earth and of the elements which occur across vastly different scales of age and scope, thus establishing a distinct relationship with our human measure of time and space. The book provides a sensual insight into Kati Gausmann’s artistic practice, which combines studies in natural science and the humanities, studio work, and artistic methods deployed in on-site fieldwork. The various landscapes in which the works were created and the natural processes underlying them are poetically conveyed. Hanne Loreck’s essay unfolds the complexity of this artistic practice, situates it within the current discourse, and highlights topical questions related to the planet and to the Anthropocene. Fotografie: Miranda Blennerhassett, Angela von Brill, Astrid Busch, Carsten Eisfeld, Barbora Gallová, Kati Gausmann, Michael Jezierny, Katharina Pöhlmann, Eric Tschernow, Martin Zellerhoff

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Ängelen. Peter Winklund.

Posted in Editions, photography, poetry, sculpture on October 31st, 2023
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This is a limited edition photo book in 200 copies with images by Peter Wiklund and texts from poems by the Swedish writer Willy Granqvist (b. 1948, d. 1985). 

The Swedish word Ängelen means “the angel” (but with an elderly spelling).

Each book is numbered and signed, and has a small unique, handmade cyanotype on the cover.

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MISERABLE. Samuel Brzeski, Sam Riviere. TEXSTpress.

Posted in performance, poetry, theatre, writing on October 7th, 2023
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Part performance transcript, part conceptual writing exercise, this project works from an extract from Sam Riviere’s poem Miserable I hope you do too. The original text was rewritten and recombined into multiple possibilities of form and content. The variations of this text were then recited – from memory – in a semi-improvisational way over a four hour performance that took place at Black Box Theatre in Oslo. Focusing on the meditative pace and rhythmic intonation of the original poem, various alternative possibilities for the poetic narrative were imagined and explored, creating a generative palimpsest of poetic experience that was shared with the audience. Here, the text from the performance is transcribed, allowing the poem to further mutate and shift from the realm of the voice back onto the space of the page.

With an introduction by the original poet, Sam Riviere.

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Fail like fire. Penny Goring. Arcadia Missa 

Posted in poetry, writing on September 28th, 2023
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Fail Like Fire is a carefully selected collection of twenty poems, written over the past HOWEVER MANY years, from Penny Goring’s intensely personal poetry archive.

76 pages

203 x 127mm

Arcadia Missa Edition: 2022

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Doyenne 002: Singing To Spirits. Flora Yin Wong (Ed.). Doyenne Books

Posted in music, poetry, writing on August 28th, 2023
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Doyenne 002: Singing To Spirits is an anthology curated by artist and writer Flora Yin Wong looking to historical, indigenous rituals worldwide. Bringing together female-identifying musicians, artists and writers on the platform to explore lesser known forms of their artistic practice – the contributions for the first book are from friends & collaborators across the world including: 

Christina Vantzou (Kranky), Lisa Lerkenfeldt (Shelter Press), Lucy Liyou, YL Hooi, Lucinda Chua, Dali De Saint Paul (EP/64), Sarah Shin (Ignota Books), Cucina Povera (Editions Mego), Martyna Basta, Marija Bozinovska Jones, Ekaterina Bazhenova-Yamasaki, Ruth Saxelby (ex-Fader), Susu Laroche, Mira Mattar (Granta / Ma Bibliotheque), Heather McCalden (Fitzcarraldo Editions), Hibiki Mizuno, Hana Noorali, Rose Higham-Stainton, Sonia de Jager, Tara Fatehi, and Marianthi Hatzikidi. 

Thematically rooted around the tradition of ‘Singing to Spirits’, the notions of music being used as an ancient medium to commune with the afterlife are linked with songlines in Aboriginal animist belief as a connection to the land – featuring texts including intimate personal essays, identity exploration, photographic work and lyrics. The project will be further explored through various events of performances and excursions. 

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Spoken Word Poetry Doesn’t Exist / Robert Stastny + Roy Hughes @ Motto Berlin. June 16, 2023

Posted in Events, Motto Berlin event, music, poetry, Uncategorized on June 13th, 2023
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Dear friends,

We’re pleased to welcome you to an enchanting evening filled with poetry and music at our courtyard, this coming Friday, June 16th, from 18:30 onwards.

We’ll begin the evening with the remarkable Robert Stastny, a Berlin-inspired artist, who’ll read out pieces from his acclaimed Portraits. He’ll also give us an exclusive glimpse into his latest works. Following Robert’s spellbinding readings, we’ll transition into a vibrant musical performance by Yellow Hotel.

Poetry is an adventure, in itself. A voyage to somewhere, where the world of men and women – and anything you want to be – has less of an influence.

Music connects onto poetry naturally, Yellow Hotel is Roy Estel Hughes, recently transplanted from Austin to Berlin, and Robert.

Together we will travel – from poetry, to music, to somewhere else.

So, come join us at Motto for a relaxed evening filled with amusing poetry, music, books, and refreshing drinks. We can’t wait to see you there!