Westmorland County Show. Conor Rollins. 89books.
Posted in photography on May 26th, 2023Tags: 35mm, 89books, b/w, black and white, Conor Rollins, farming communities, photography, real life, Westmorland County Agricultural Society, Westmorland COunty SHow

The Westmorland County Agricultural Society ‘WCAS’ was established in 1799, and for over 200 years has survived world wars, recessions and the Great British weather to establish itself as one of Britain’s oldest livestock agricultural events. Located on the fringes of the Lake District, Westmorland County Show has showcased rural life to the masses. The project aims to highlight the contrasts found at an event where farming communities, tourists, competitors, VIPs and shoppers explore the land in their unique ways. Through grainy black and white 35mm film, the intention was to blur the suggested timeframe by playing with the unusual sights, outfits and activities found when livestock and different communities interact in a field.
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