This Sunday, January 12 at 7:00 PM, we will discuss hauntological narratives, nostalgia for places we have never been, and we will show two films:
Ewan Golder – Binary Love A retrofuturistic dystopia about aging lovers and dating apps in dreams. Txema Novelo – Déjalo Ser A shamanic journey of poets in the Oaxaca desert, filmed on 8mm.
January 12 Motto 38 rue du Vertbois 75003 Paris
This post is related the upcoming film screening within the framework of the cinema club and Film Association K1NO1.
Ivan Yakushev : Noms des eaux = experimental film generated in real-time during screening with ai visual models driven by poetic text and webcam input.
Alexandra Karelina : DVA*2 = first-ever screening twice in a row of the film investigating how reality can stack up on itself.
This post is related the upcoming film screening within the framework of the cinema club and Film Association K1NO1.
Part 1 Meeting-reflection on the theme: Pop-feminism in the film process as a form of political affect for self-sufficient capitalists.
Part 2 Practices of the “bottle” game or the flickering of random encounters (voyeurism or action) (psycho-physical training) Passive or active (one can be an observer or a participant).
Part 3 Film screening: “The Light Watching Me While I Watch the North” directed by Knjazhna and Vlada Milovskaia.
partie 1 Rencontre-réflexion sur le thème : Le pop-féminisme dans le processus cinématographique comme forme d’affect politique pour des capitalistes autosuffisants.
Partie 2 Pratiques du jeu de « la bouteille » ou scintillement des rencontres fortuites (voyeurisme ou action) (entrainement psychophysique) Passif ou actif (on peut être observateur/observatrice ou participant/participante).
Partie 3 Projection du film : “La lumière qui me regarde tandis que je regarde le Nord” réalisé par Knjazhna et Vlada Milovskaia. Associaton / MONOCINEMA project / Motto store
This post is related the upcoming film screening within the framework of the cinema club and Film Association K1NO1.
NEWS FROM THE OTHER WORLD a film by Valentina Bek about the writer Yuri Mamleyev
Friday Nov 15, 7pm
+conversation with Valentina Bek ____________________________________________
Motto – 38 rue du Vertbois – 75003 Paris ____________________________________________
“A family portrait of the Mamleyevs in a tight interior of a small Moscow apartment is an experiment in metaphysical documentary filmmaking. Yuri Mamleyev, the author of a great prose about Russian chthonic tradition. His wife, translator Maria Alexandrovna Mamleyeva, flips through a photo album with the pictures of Parisian and American exile. But the eerie time reverberates somewhere near these scenes of unpretentious coziness, in the editing voids and the disturbing hum of the abstract soundtrack.” – Andrey Kartashov
The event is organized within the framework of the cinema club and Film Association K1NO1 Paris.
Information about the most famous novel, ‘The Sublimes’ by Yuri Mamleyev, can be found here
ED4M Zine presentation and Screening ‘Making of ED4M’
November 8th, 2024 Screening starts 7 pm
+conversation with the artist with K1NO1 ____________________________________________
Motto – 38 rue du Vertbois – 75003 Paris ____________________________________________
The main character is the electric train type ED4M, one of the most common in Russia since the mid-90s. This small detective story unfolds on newsprint, featuring carriage vestibules, doors, handles, and wanted persons. It immerses the audience in the realm between the living and the dead, accompanied by the sound of wheels clattering, exploring space, ritual, collective recognition, and personal experience. The Tbilisi weekly sports newspaper served as the prototype for this book.
ED4M (Electric train Demikhovsky, type 4) is a series of Russian DC electric trains produced from 1996 to 2016 at the Demikhovsky Machine-Building Plant. The first batch with increased comfort was manufactured for the Moscow Railway between 1999 and 2000. During this period, ED4 and ED4M models became the most significant electric trains for local purposes.
Zine features photographs by Ivan Anisimov taken between 2019 and 2022 before he left Russia. Further shooting was continued by his son Danila, who took four rolls of 35mm film in winter 2023. Zine design by Aeona Melnikova.
Screening is a documentation of the printing process of a zine in a print facility, Tbilisi.
Ivan Anisimov was born in Pereslavl-Zalessky, Russia, in 1988. For more than 10 years, he has been engaged in documentary film and photography, collecting archives from lost photographs and videos. He has carried out several photographic projects and is now based in Paris, France.
The event is organized within the framework of the cinema club and Film Association K1NO1 Paris.
SCREENING + Round Table Friday, October 11, 2024 at Motto Paris From 7:00 PM Round Table starts at 8:00 PM
QUATERNITE by Egor Shevchenko
Motto Paris is very happy to open its autumn/winter screening sessions with artist talks and round tables in collaboration with the K1N01 Association.
This video artwork was inspired by the I Ching 易經, an ancient Chinese divination system.
The work represents random combinations of 64 episodes, shot in France in 2018-2019. The story revolves around four characters lost in the narrative of the story itself.
Additionally, the work was created using the I Ching: the coins were thrown before filming each episode to determine the location, the actors, and the events to follow.
Soundtrack by Gela Lomaya
Narrative – history haunts people. At some point, the narrative crisis touched literature and was marked by the works of J.Joyce, A.Bely and then S.Beckett. can we feel “again” necessity to discuss such modern movements in contemporary cinema, It’s crisis and ways out. will we rest everything in status quo and will continue to be the part of the narrative automatisms in life and in cinema.
We invite everyone concerned to join the conversation; those who wish can prepare a presentation on the topic.
If you’ve got an extra chair, bring it to the round table
Motto 38 rue du Vertbois 75003 Paris
This post is related the upcoming film screening within the framework of the cinema club and Film Association K1NO1.
“Screening Exercises” is a cycle of screenings, meetings and seminars that looks at film projection as the focus of the research of some contemporary artists and as its specific and structural element, revealing the performative aspect of cinema. The first edition happened in Venice between October and December 2022.
“Screening Exercises – Quaderni (I-IV)” collects the proceedings of the meetings with the artists and essays on theoretical insights. The protagonists of the first four exercises are the artists Helga Fanderl, Sílvia Das Fadas, Jan Kulka and the scholar Rinaldo Censi.
“Screening Exercises” and their “Quaderni” are curated by Flavia Mazzarino and Filippo Perfetti.
“Screening Exercises” è un ciclo di proiezioni, incontri e seminari che guarda alla proiezione cinematografica come fulcro della ricerca di alcuni artisti contemporanei e come suo elemento specifico e strutturale, mostrando l’aspetto performativo del cinema. La prima edizione si è svolta a Venezia tra ottobre e dicembre 2022.
“Screening Exercises – Quaderni (I-IV)” raccoglie gli atti degli incontri con gli artisti e saggi di approfondimento teorico. I protagonisti dei primi quattro esercizi sono gli artisti Helga Fanderl, Sílvia Das Fadas, Jan Kulka e il ricercatore Rinaldo Censi.
“Screening Exercises” e i relativi “Quaderni” sono curati da Flavia Mazzarino e Filippo Perfetti.
HaFI 018 reprints a document containing the script of Skip Norman’s film On Africa (1970). Norman, born in Baltimore in 1933, had left the U.S. in the early 1960s to study German, theater, and medicine in Göttingen. In 1966 he moved to Berlin to join the newly founded German Film and Television Academy (DFFB). By 1969, he had made the films Riffi (1966), Blues People (1968), Cultural Nationalism (1969) and the graduation film Strange Fruit (1969). He shot On Africa together with Joey Gibbs after graduating from the school. The filmmaker about his film: “The starting point is the relationship between Europe’s prosperity and Africa’s poverty; Europe’s destruction of societies and cultures, and the simultaneous use of Christianity and racial theories as justification for a massive exploitation of the colonized.” On Africa was first shown at the Festival in Mannheim in 1970 and then broadcast on television by WDR in 1972. The script is accompanied by images from the film, and followed by five short commentaries by Sónia Vaz Borges, Madeleine Bernstorff, Marie-Hélène Gutberlet, Tom Holert, and Volker Pantenburg.
Das Heft enthält das Skript für Skip Normans Film On Africa (1970). Norman, 1933 in Baltimore geboren, hatte die USA zu Beginn der 1960er Jahre verlassen, um in Göttingen Deutsch, Theaterwissenschaft und Medizin zu studieren. 1966 zog er nach Berlin, um an die neugegründete Deutsche Film- und Fernsehakademie Berlin (DFFB) zu wechseln. Bis 1969 entstanden die Filme Riffi (1966), Blues People (1968), Cultural Nationalism (1969) und der Abschlussfilm Strange Fruit (1969). On Africa entstand gemeinsam mit Joey Gibbs nach Normans DFFB-Abschluss. In Normans Worten: „Der Ausgangspunkt dieses Films ist das Verhältnis zwischen Europas Wohlstand und Afrikas Armut; Europas Zerstörung von Gesellschaften und Kulturen, und gleichzeitiger Einsatz von Christentum und Rassentheorien als Rechtfertigung einer gewaltigen Ausbeutung der Kolonialisierten.“ On Africa wurde am 7. Oktober 1970 bei der XIX. Internationalen Filmwoche Mannheim in der „Informationsschau“ aufgeführt; 1972 lief der Film im WDR. Das Skript wird begleitet von zahlreichen Bildern aus dem Film und kontextualisiert durch fünf Kurzessays von Sónia Vaz Borges, Madeleine Bernstorff, Marie-Hélène Gutberlet, Tom Holert und Volker Pantenburg.