Die Diskrepanz einer Reise und ihrer medialen Darstellung. Nico Jungel. Motto Books

Posted in illustration, Motto Books on February 8th, 2018
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Die Diskrepanz einer Reise une ihrer medialen Darstellung_Nico Jungel_Motto Books _motto_#2

Author: Nico Jungel

Publisher: Motto Books, 2018

Language: Deutsch

Size: 21.5 X 19 cm

Binding: Softcover, saddle stitched

Kirchgängerbanger. Slavs and Tatars. Westfälischer Kunstverein, Motto Books.

Posted in Motto Berlin store, Motto Books, Theory, writing on January 31st, 2018
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On the occasion of their exhibition at the Westfälischer Kunstverein, Slavs and Tatars present Kirchgängerbanger: a new, bi-lingual (Eng/DE) reader on Johann Georg Hamann, the 18th century polemicist, frenemy of Kant, and proto-Postmodernist who critiqued the Enlightenment with an unlikely mix of Lutheran theology and vulgar sexuality, enough to make even Bataille blush: “My coarse imagination has never been able to conceive of the creative spirit without genitalia.” With an introduction by Slavs and Tatars and a selection of Hamann essays including the triple-platinum hits “New apology of the Letter H” and “New Apology of the Letter H by Itself”.


Co-Published by Westfälischer Kunstverein & Motto Books
English / German
Pages: 92
Size: 20 x 14 cm
Weight: 136 g
Binding: Softcover
ISBN: 9782940524709


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Gärten der Kooperation / Gardens of Cooperation. Alexander Kluge. Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart & Motto Books.

Posted in Exhibitions, Film, Motto Berlin store, Motto Books, writing on January 16th, 2018
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Die vorliegende Publikation erscheint im Rahmen der Ausstellung “Alexander Kluge. Gärten der Kooperation” im Württembergischen Kunstverein Stuttgart: einer umfassenden Einzelausstellung des Schriftstellers, Filmemachers und Theoretikers Alexander Kluge, die auf der gleichnamigen Schau im Kunstzentrum La Virreina in Barcelona basiert. In enger Zusammenarbeit mit La Virreina sowie Alexander Kluge selbst hat der Kunstverein eine Neufassung und Erweiterung von sieben Eizelaspekten dieses Projektes entwickelt.

Entsprechend der Ausstellung setzt sich auch das Buch aus sieben “Inseln” zusammen, die jeweils mit einem Bild und Text aus Alexander Kluges Büchern eingeführt werden. Darüber hinaus versammelt es eine Auswahl ergänzender Texte von Alexander Kluge, die auch ind er Ausstellung zu finden waren.



The publication accompanies the exhibition “Alexander Kluge: Gardens of Cooperation” in the Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart: a comprehensive solo exhibition by the writer, filmmaker, and theorist Alexander Kluge, based on the show of the same name at the La Virreina Art Center in Barcelona. In close collaboration with La Virreina and with Alexander Kluge himself, the Kunstverein has developed a new version and expansion of seven individual aspects of this project.
The book, like the exhibition, is composed of seven “islands”, each introduced by a picture and text from Alexander Kluge’s books. In addition, it brings together a selection of complementary texts by Alexander Kluge, also found in the exhibition.


German / English

19 x 12.5 cm

ISBN: 9782940524723

199 pages

Co-published by Motto Books & Würtembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart


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PERIOD Zine Issue #4

Posted in magazines, Motto Books, photography on November 21st, 2017
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PERIOD. is a zine by Lena Modigh hat unapologetically focuses on the contemporary female narrative by female-only contributors.

For the fourth issue of our journal, we decided to go where relatively so few women have gone before – SPACE. Space is defined as being 100 kilometres or 60 miles above the surface of the Earth, and about 550 people have been there. Of those, 57 have been women.

We thought we were going to be getting a lot of landscapes and interiors from our contributors but as you can see, the majority of these female responses were about people: inner space or the space between us maybe? And no one did outer space, the big universe, we emailed NASA, but they never got back 😉

Contributors include Martha Cooper, Kate Monro, Erna Klewall, Lena Modigh, Yasmine Ganley, Lara Minerva, Jessica Buie, Erin Sanders-McDonagh, Matilde Søes Rasmussen, Perdita Fenn & Julia Cody.


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Zweikommasieben #16. Remo Bitzi (ed.). Präsens Editionen & Motto Books

Posted in Motto Books, music on November 15th, 2017
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To what extent can we imagine community, exchange, and collective projects that no longer fall back on the dominant narratives of nation, fatherland, and family? This question posed by Terre Thaemlitz in an exchange featured in the 16th edition of zweikommasieben is ever more pressing in a time, where the political and social fabric of western societies seems to disintegrate. The search for possible answers thus is subliminally present throughout the magazine—in the contribution on the independent Milan venue Macao, but also in interviews with NON-affiliate Farai or the American experimentalist Steve Hauschildt. Even the most hopeful answers remain ambivalent in the end it seems; ultimately there won’t be any utopias. „There’s a sun in the sky,“ as Laurel Halo points out in the magazine, „but it’s burning ever hotter.“
zweikommasieben #16 features interviews with Steve Hauschildt, Laurel Halo, DVA Damas, Mechatok, Farai, Parrish Smith and portraits on Nina of Golden Pudel and V.I.S., as well as Casual Gabberz’ Ēvil Grimace & Von Bikräv. There’s also an extended mail exchange with Terre Thaemlitz, “A Short History of the Aesthetics of Excess in Hip Hop”, various columns and a photo essay, plus contributions by Das Ding, Macao, Laraaji and German Army.


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08.11.2017 / Publishing as an Artistic Toolbox: 1989–2017. Kunsthalle Wien.

Posted in Events, Exhibitions, Motto Books on November 9th, 2017
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Opening November 7th, at Kunsthalle Wien. Starts at 7PM.
08.11.2017 – 28.01.2018

What is the role of art publishing today? How have artists adapted modes of publishing as a tool for their practice? How has the notion of artists’ publishing activity changed, given the ever-increasing amount of fairs and an ever-evolving number of book-related collections in contemporary art museums? Publishing has developed a favorite site and medium for aesthetic and artistic experimentation. It has also become an alternative space for promoting unrestricted individual or collective discourse. The multi-part exhibition project Publishing as an Artistic Toolbox: 1989–2017 explores the potentials of publishing – in the form of books, magazines, journals, artistic interventions, websites – as a particular medium and context both to circulate information, knowledge – and to produce art.

Instead of looking at the already historicized and analyzed period of the 1960s and 1970s, the exhibition will highlight how a recent generation of artists use publishing as a productive tool for their practice. The focus lies on the period from 1989 until 2017, taking 1989 as symbolic date to underline the shift from analogue to digital. On a political level, 1989 with the fall of the Berlin wall marks a significant date. On a social level, it is an important year as it indicates the invention of the World Wide Web.


The bookshop curated by Gregorio Magnani and Motto Books presents a selection of artist’s books published between the late 1980’s and the present. Together these publications offer a privileged overview of the unexpected flourishing of the book as artistic and creative medium. At the same time the bookstore highlights the wide international network of artists and small independent publishers whose collaborations and shared interests are the motors for the artist’s book renaissance.

More information here

Browse the selection of 160 publications included in the show here

Rosie Ruiz: Shortcuts to Fame. Lisa Guedel-Dolle. Motto Books.

Posted in graphic design, history, Motto Books on October 27th, 2017
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Rosie Ruiz was a non-professional runner who cheated during the 1979 New York City Marathon and the 1980 Boston Marathon.

This book relates the nine days of investigation and doubts which took place between april 22, the day of her victory in Boston, and april 30, the day her disqualification. During these nine days we discovered the testimonies of the protagonists of the case: Rosie, runners, winners, losers, the direction of the marathon and family. This story was a big buzz in the media. The reader gradually discovers all the elements of the story, like an inspector interviewing witnesses. Step by step, links and evidences are made and after 9 days of investigation the reader can determine whether yes or no Rosie Ruiz cheated during these two marathons.


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Turning the Page. Kasper Andreasen. Motto Books.

Posted in Motto Berlin store, Motto Books, writing on September 20th, 2017
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This small publication is an edited reprint of the essay ‘The Book in Intermediary Form’ written by Kasper Andreasen. It was originally published by Wintertuin, Nijmegen as part of a compilation about the future of the book. Turning the Page also contains a script for the audiovisual book Tomorrow, which is a collaborative work between Hanne Lippard and Kasper Andreasen reflecting on the status of the (photography) book in audiovisual form.

Designed by Toni Uroda. First edition of 140 copies. © The authors, Motto Books 2011/2017.



Christa Blümlinger/Harun Farocki: The ABCs of the Essay Film. Christa Blümlinger, Harun Farocki. Harun Farocki Institut & Motto Books.

Posted in Film, Motto Berlin store, Motto Books, writing on September 19th, 2017
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In Autumn and Winter 2013/2014, Christa Blümlinger and Harun Farocki worked on the dialogical “ABCs of the Essay Film,” which is published here for the first time in its original German version. In 26 short paragraphs, reacting to key terms suggested by Christa Blümlinger (from “A for Adorno” to “Z for Zidane”), Farocki explores his proximity, but also his distance to filmmakers like Chris Marker, Jean-Luc Godard, Artavazd Peleshian, or Alexander Kluge and speaks about specific operations in his films, TV programs, and installations.

The text is complemented by a short text by Farocki which was published in 1987 to accompany a film program at the Berlin Akademie der Künste, where the essay film is described as a film “that is useful without being subservient and without standing to attention.”


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Faraway, So Close. 25th Biennial of Design, Ljubljana. Angela Rui, Maja Vardjan (eds.). Museum of Architecture and Design & Motto Books.

Posted in Motto Books on September 13th, 2017

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Faraway, So Close

25th Biennial of Design, Ljubljana
Published by Museum of Architecture and Design (MAO) & Motto Books

Faraway, So Close presents seven investigations through the concept of time – time as a key with which to identify new patterns that can connect design with the phenomenological world and the myriad consequences of such an interrelation.

Acting in various dispersed territories across Slovenia, Faraway, So Close seeks out “low-intensity” places in which to test the possibility of changing our notions of economic progress and which could work toward and in the name of such fundamental aspirations as stability, community and a better future. Design is, or at least can be, a vehicle for exploring basic new metaphors. It is a dialogic procedure. This break from the strictly disciplinary approach of design creates space for an expansive investigation of various interdisciplinary intersections and engagement with a markedly different production of knowledge.

By presenting the seven investigative episodes developed within BIO 25 and their interchange with both local archives and broader paradigms, the book works to explore ways of changing the goals of design culture; of turning away from the urgent need to solve problems and instead opening up new frontiers for observation and experimentation, to look at our inhabited and habitable world for what it is and what it is becoming, and not simply what we think it should, ideally, be.

Contributions by
Nabil Ahmed
Andrea Branzi
Tony Côme
Brendan Cormier
matali crasset
Domitilla Dardi
Odo Fioravanti
Didier Fiúza Faustino
Studio Formafantasma
Thomas Geisler
Rory Hyde
Alexandra Midal
mischer’traxler studio
Dimitrij Mlekuž
Point Supreme Architects
Emanuele Quinz
Renata Salecl
Anna-Sophie Springer
Studio Folder
James Westcott
Elia Zenghelis
and many others

Photographic Essays by
Delfino Sisto Legnani
and Marco Cappelletti

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