IWAKAN Volume 06 – The Masculinity Issue. Andromeda, Jeremy Benkemoun, Lana Kageyama, Yuri Abo (Eds.). Creative Studio REING

Posted in Gender, graphic design, Japan, magazines, photography, Uncategorized, writing on July 18th, 2023
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IWAKAN Volume 06: 

Masculinity — or perhaps our mistaken understanding of it — as an ideology has entrenched itself so deeply into every system that runs our society. These unequivocally male-dominated systems stare at us on a daily basis, represented by the patriarchy and misogyny we witness regularly in acts like men buying women drinks at the dinner table; reaffirming their unwavering presence and unforgiving rules. While some may find it easy to accept the system, others struggle to comply. We are those people who struggle. Those people who are tired of these outdated norms for masculinity, who are tired of it being understood solely through the lens of violence and dominance, and who are tired of the emptiness that comes from humans constantly being reduced to caricatures of themselves and forced to participate in this ludicrous system called patriarchy. Masculinity does not belong solely to those who have a penis, it is something that should be accessible to all. That is why, we want to find a new understanding of it, one that is fresh, revitalized, rich, inclusive, and diverse. It is time that masculinity changes, it is time that masculinity is liberated.


The Masculinity Issue 06 違和感瞬間 男 14 Producing Sex: Images of Masculinity in the Gay Porn Industry/François Sagat 24 A Space for Men’s Confessions 32 Exploring Gender: What Can Masculinity Contribute to Being Non-binary?/Amity Miyabi 36 An Unwavering Heart Reaching for the Light/Sennosuke Kataoka 48 Imagining New Masculinities Through Music: an Interview with NoSo, Ichi Takashi, and Aisho Nakajima 52 PEOPLE VOICE OPINION Let the people speak! 60 The Unspoken Tenderness/Nelson Hor 66 Our Career Choices: A Message For the Future From a Parenting Adviser and an Obstetrician-Gynaecologist/Keito Kawanishi, Singh Ikebukuro 74 STUDY OUR ISSUE: Is “Masculinity” a Good Enough Excuse for Violence?/Noriko Yamaguchi 78 Pity for Men: the Agonies and Contradictions of Unpopular Boys./Kai Nishii 90 The Glass House of Adonis/Andromeda 92 Exploring The House of Gay Art: The Captivating Photographs of Junichi Enya/Mika Kobayashi 96 Is Coffee Masculine? A Conversation About Coffee and Masculinity/Keita Nakamura, Yuki Shibata, Mako 108 Redefining “Realness”: Exploring the Implications and Possibilities of “Male Genital” Prosthetics/Prosthesisman.Stp.Japan 112 Disobedience, Deconstruction, and Desire: Re-Defining Bodies Through Clothing and Art/Bárbara Sánchez-Kane 122 Decoding Performance and the Body Through the Works of Kento Terada and Sota Kodera/Mika Kobayashi 128 The Exquisite Corpse of Likeness/Yuki Kasaï-Paré 137 Recognising ‘Domination’: The Beginning of Resistance/Hanae Takahashi 138 Vol.4 IWAKAN OPEN ART CONTEST 141 Radically Moderate/Nonoka Sasaki 142 A Diary of Secret Dialogues/Mitsu Tachibana 144 My Incomplete Beauty Handbook/Yuri Abo 146 Asian Gaze/Yo Katami from loneliness books 148 Let’s Talk About Politics/Ana 150 Stopped Making Sense/Noemi Minami 152 Recommendations from Contributors Cover Design: 福岡南央子

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SEX. Raja’a Khalid (Ed.). ZIGG

Posted in Editions, illustration, magazines, poetry, politics, writing on January 14th, 2023
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This edition of ZIGG is interested in exploring sex as an evolutionary psychology. It brings together contributions from a network of friends, peers, colleagues who have engaged or encountered the makers of ZIGG through intellectual, psychosexual vibrations. It includes text messages, illustrations, drawings, poetry, code, conversation, rants, and essays. 

Contributors: Hala Bint, Alex Cecchetti, Common Accounts, Kelly Fliedner, Chitra Ganesh, Drew Gordon, Margaret Haines, Raja’a Khalid and Ahmad Makia, Amanda Lee Koe, and Deepak Unnikrishnan.

ZIGG is a publishing association engaged in critical thinking from Dubai. It circulates amorphous aesthetics, printed matters, and promotes the disciplinary blurring between sex, media, earth matter, magic, and politics.

Edition of 300

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