Posted in Art, Editions, Exhibitions, Zines on May 18th, 2024Tags: collage, drawing, French artist duo, Wolfsko
“Putting aside momentarily the work and setting out to explore the curious world and the next path, I write down 50 wishes for the future me after the journey. Emptying the jealousy and the restless heart that have filled me during this time, I make a commitment by jotting down 50 items on my wishlist, ready to make room for new things.
As I write about what I need to let go of and what I want to embrace, I look forward to the stories that may unfold for me in the future, in whatever form they may come.”
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Heft 7 der Reihe Repertoire enthält Beobachtungen – Bilder, Zeichnungen und Texte von Häusern und Räumen – der in Berlin lebenden Architektin Oda Pälmke, die sich wie bei einem Entwurf gegenseitig ergänzen und zunehmend ineinander verweben. Es ist eine Einladung, die Autorin auf ihren Spaziergängen und Reisen in die Welt zu begleiten oder, vielleicht ebenso gut, die Publikation zum Anlass für eigene Explorationen zu nehmen.
“Repertoire” shows a collection of drawings and photographs of common situations and elements of the built environment and may inspire the natural expansion of the design repertoire.
Issue 7 of the Repertoire series contains observations – pictures, drawings and texts of houses and spaces – by the Berlin-based architect Oda Pälmke, which complement each other like a design and increasingly interweave. It is an invitation to accompany the author on her walks and trips around the world or, perhaps as well, to use the publication as an opportunity for her own explorations.
“Oda Pälmke’s way of working is characterized by the methodology of appropriation, the appropriation of found material. It is a strategy that allows a fruitful examination of the real. Casual and trivial, found and invented develop new levels of meaning through their specific way of working through. If everything can once again become “starting material for transformations”, everything can again become “raw material for productions”, says Peter Sloterdijk, there is no creative creation ex nihilo and the modern phantasm of tabula rasa is overcome. The creative process then consists in finding an attitude towards what has been found and developing a story from it. ”(Anh-Linh Ngo, publisher ARCH +)
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Repertoire zeigt eine Sammlung von Zeichnungen und Fotografien gewöhnlicher Situationen und Elemente der gebauten Umwelt und mag zur selbstverständlichen Erweiterung des entwerferischen Repertoires anregen.
“Repertoire” shows a collection of drawings and photographs of common situations and elements of the built environment and may inspire the natural expansion of the design repertoire.
Repertoire 1 – GESTALT Häuser / FORM Houses
Repertoire 2 – STRUKTUR Oberflächen / STRUCTURE Surfaces
Repertoire 3 – STANDARD Badezimmer / STANDARD Bathrooms
Repertoire 4 – AUSSTATTUNG Mobiliar / EQUIPMENT Furniture
Repertoire 5 – ÜBERGANG Treppen / TRANSITION Stairs
Repertoire 6 – SITUATION Konstellationen / SITUATION Constellations
“Oda Pälmke’s way of working is characterized by the methodology of appropriation, the appropriation of found material. It is a strategy that allows a fruitful examination of the real. Casual and trivial, found and invented develop new levels of meaning through their specific way of working through. If everything can once again become “starting material for transformations”, everything can again become “raw material for productions”, says Peter Sloterdijk, there is no creative creation ex nihilo and the modern phantasm of tabula rasa is overcome. The creative process then consists in finding an attitude towards what has been found and developing a story from it. ”(Anh-Linh Ngo, publisher ARCH +)
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Texts by Kristine Stiles, Alina Șerban, Jelena Vesić, What, How & from Whom / WHW
“I do one notebook for every show or project. It is like a pocket studio and research space. In the notebook drawings are pushed further to the limit and are not very PC. There are a lot of bad drawings, things that do not work out, lame jokes. Humor is hard to capture… Of the two hundred drawings in a notebook, thirty or fifty will make it onto the wall an maybe ten will make it into the general repertoire. The repertoire began in 2000 and since then drawings have been incorporated and discarded, rolling from one wall to the next.
I am the happiest when I draw in the notebook and I know the drawing is good. Translating it onto the wall is also good, but it is just a translation.
I draw, I happy.” (Dan Perjovschi)
P+4 Publications is an independent publishing programme dedicated to the promotion of Romanian contemporary art, photography and architecture, exploring the book medium as a point of encounter between theoretical research, graphic design experiment and artists’ ideas and subjects present in their practice. Presently, the programme brings together the Artist Book Series and the Architecture Book Series, supported between 2013–2021 by the PEPLUSPATRU Association, and Parkour and Exhibition-Dossier series, developed by the Institute of the Present since 2017. Starting from 2021, P+4 Publications is coordinated by the Institute of the Present.
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A comic album once discarded from a public library and later found on the street by the artist on his way to his studio is transformed into a series of abstract collages. Using simple cut and paste tactics a collection of science fiction narratives is reorganised into images drifting away from definition to be reproduced as Risograph prints on the pages of Flashback Gordon.
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Autobiography is a series by Tonini Editore, published monthly. Each volume will be dedicated to an artist, who will be free to carry out the topic of the autobiography by means of text or visual supports.
The selection of the artists participating to the series is coordinated by a scientific committee made up of six renown personalities in the world of the art research and collection: Pedro Barbosa (collector and founder of the Coleção Moraes – Barbosa), Alex Bacon (art historian), Claudio Guenzani (gallery owner in Milan, owner of the Studio Guenzani), Michele Lombardelli (artist, composer, typographer and consultant for several publishing houses), Shwetal Ashvin Patel (writer and researcher, founding member of the Kochi-Muziris Biennale), Christoph Schifferli (collector and scholar), Valentino Tonini (director of the homonymous publishing house).
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Autobiography is a series by Tonini Editore, published monthly. Each volume will be dedicated to an artist, who will be free to carry out the topic of the autobiography by means of text or visual supports.
The selection of the artists participating to the series is coordinated by a scientific committee made up of six renown personalities in the world of the art research and collection: Pedro Barbosa (collector and founder of the Coleção Moraes – Barbosa), Alex Bacon (art historian), Claudio Guenzani (gallery owner in Milan, owner of the Studio Guenzani), Michele Lombardelli (artist, composer, typographer and consultant for several publishing houses), Shwetal Ashvin Patel (writer and researcher, founding member of the Kochi-Muziris Biennale), Christoph Schifferli (collector and scholar), Valentino Tonini (director of the homonymous publishing house).
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Autobiography is a series by Tonini Editore, published monthly. Each volume will be dedicated to an artist, who will be free to carry out the topic of the autobiography by means of text or visual supports.
The selection of the artists participating to the series is coordinated by a scientific committee made up of six renown personalities in the world of the art research and collection: Pedro Barbosa (collector and founder of the Coleção Moraes – Barbosa), Alex Bacon (art historian), Claudio Guenzani (gallery owner in Milan, owner of the Studio Guenzani), Michele Lombardelli (artist, composer, typographer and consultant for several publishing houses), Shwetal Ashvin Patel (writer and researcher, founding member of the Kochi-Muziris Biennale), Christoph Schifferli (collector and scholar), Valentino Tonini (director of the homonymous publishing house).
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