Wandering #1

Posted in magazines, writing on February 8th, 2012
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Wandering # 1

Wandering is a bilangual publication – german and english – about hiking in cities and the countryside.

Over 50 artists, critics, poets, writers and other people were invited to talk about wandering. The outcome is an almost 250 page collection of interviews, chats and dialougues.

Contributions by Airen, Jean du Arc, David Aylers, Tenzing Barshee, Daniel Baumann, Bill Berkson, Bomec, Juliette Bonneviot, Max Brand, Stefan Buck, Caroline Busta, Kerstin Cmelka, Ann Cotten, Dari, Iris Därmann, Nikola Eschenbach, Fredi Fischli, Gregory Fong, Lars Erik Frank, Nina Franz, Dillon de Give, Lena Henke, Viggo Julsgard Jensen, Julia Jung, Nuri Koerfer, Wolf von Kries, Quinn Latimer, David Lieske, Ariane Müller, Silvio Do Nascimento, Eckhart Nickel, Niels Olsen, Aude Pariset, Danica Phelps, Sam Pulitzer, Roy Radich, Marta Riniker-Radich, Michele Robecchi, Jörg Harlan Rohleder, Sarah Colony Rose, Andreas Rosenfelder, Emanuel Rossetti, Vanessa Safavi, Emily Segal, Brandon Shimoda, Martin Schmitz, Chris Sharp, Queen of Sheba, Fabrice Stroun, Kate Sutton, Greg Parma Smith, Mark Soo, Julian Stalbohm, Rui Tenreiro, Uvid, Stewart Uoo, Hendrik Weber, Jean-Michel Wicker, Amelie von Wulffen, Adolf Wölfli, Dena Yago, Amy Yao, Anicka Yi.”

“Herausgeberin: Pierrette Schlettwein
Verleger: Tenzing Barshee, Dan Solbach

Redaktion: Tenzing Barshee
Grafik: Dan Solbach

Lektorat: Pippin Wigglesworth
Korrektorat: Michael Ladner, Patrick Schär

Druck: Druckerei Schwabe, Muttenz
Umschlagillustration: Rui Tenreiro, Stockholm
Schriften: New Fournier, Suisse Int’l, B+P Swiss Typefaces



Vanessa Safavi / Anne Schwalbe @ Motto Berlin. 28.10.2011

Posted in Editions, Events, Motto Berlin event on October 26th, 2011
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Start 7pm

Edition presentation
Vanessa Safavi
`The best fisherman is not the one who catches the most fish but the one who enjoys fishing the most´
2011, neon, dimensions variable, edition of 30

Produced by Chert, Berlin and Motto
in collaboration with Creative Match Kreuzberg


Book presentation
Anne Schwalbe

20 photographs
Print: Offset, Oktoberdruck
Paper: Circle Offset white 100g
Edition: 500 signed and numbered
Design: Birgit Vogel
Self Published and Printed in Berlin.


Vanessa Safavi. Blind Traveller. Kunsthaus Glarus. Chert, Berlin.

Posted in Exhibition catalogue, Motto Berlin store, Motto Zürich store on October 16th, 2011
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Vanessa Safavi. Blind Traveller.

Published on the occasion of the exhibitions:

Vanessa Safavi “Resorts”, Kunsthaus Glarus, August-October 2011 and “Between the Tree and a Plastic Chair”, Vanessa Safavi solo exhibition at Chert, Berlin, September-October 2010.

Published by Kunsthaus Glarus and Chert 2011

With texts by Jennifer Chert, Sabine Rusterholz Petko, Vanessa Safavi

Graphic design: Nils Reinke-Dieker

30 pages

19.5 x 29.5 cm

D 11€


“Blind Traveller”, Vanessa Safavi – Book launch @ Motto Zurich – 07.10.11

Posted in Exhibition catalogue, Motto Zürich event on October 4th, 2011

“Blind Traveller”, Vanessa Safavi
Published by Kunsthaus Glarus and Chert Gallery.

The book is published on the occasion of the exhibitions: Vanessa Safavi “Resorts”, Kunsthaus Glarus, August -October 2011 and “Between the Tree and a Plastic Chair”, Vanessa Safavi solo exhibition at Chert, Berlin, September – October 2011

Launch on Friday, October 7th – 7 pm at Motto Zürich store, Kochstrasse 1 – (corner Sihlfeldstrasse), 8004 Zürich.

During the launch, the following movies will be screened:

– The White Room, The KLF, 1989
Ambitious road movie directed by The KLF, one of the seminal bands of the Britishacid house movement during the late 1980s and early 1990s.
The film was never released (although bootleg copies are in circulation). All of the videos were pressed in limited editions on VHS video.

– La Cicatrice Intérieure, directed by Philippe Garrel, 1972.
On of Garrel’s early movies, La Cicatrice Intérieure features Pierre Clementi, the Andy Warhol superstar Nico and a few others, including Phillippe Garrel himself.

Kunsthaus Glarus
Chert Berlin

Vanessa Safavi – Collection Cahiers d’Artistes 2010

Posted in Motto Berlin store on October 15th, 2010


Vanessa Safavi. With an essay of Kim Seob Boninsegni.
Edited by Flurina Paravicini-Tönz
Collection Cahiers d’Artistes 2010, Pro Helvetica, Swiss Arts Council
Published by Edizioni Periferia

D 12 €
Buy: orders@mottodistribution.com

Drinnen & Draussen exhibition catalogue. Chert/Motto

Posted in Uncategorized on July 5th, 2010
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“Drinnen & Draussen”

a group exhibition with:
Alejandro Almanza Pereda, Lucy Coggle, Jérémie Gindre, Petrit Halilaj, Karin Hueber, Hannah James, Heike Kabisch, Valerie Krause, Roseline Rannoch, Heiko Räpple, Vanessa Safavi, Carla Scott Fullerton, John Spiteri, Philippe van Wolputte.

26 June – 26 August, 2010

Chert / Motto
Skalitzerstr. 68
10997 Berlin

The show invites 14 artists from various countries including Germany, Australia, Belgium, Switzerland, Great Britain, Mexico and Kosovo. The different works are situated both inside the gallery space and outside of it, using part of the courtyard where Chert and Motto are located. In this way, the attention is moving between the ideas of precariousness and delicacy, creating a different approach to the public in respect of the artwork, focusing on the differences between a traditional gallery context and an extemporaneous placement.

58 pages
With texts by Katharina Jörder, Dagmar Heppner, Olga Lewicka, Michele Robecchi, Anke Volkmer
Design: Sam de Groot
Printed by Nina Reisinger
Published by Chert & Motto
D 15€ (last copies)

Buy: orders@mottodistribution.com