Ask Yo Mama. Ina Wudtke. NÖ MuseumsbetriebsgesmbH.

Posted in Exhibition catalogue on February 26th, 2022
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Exhibition catalogue for the group exhibition “Ask Yo Mama” 2011 curated by Ina Wudtke at Kunstraum Niederösterreich Vienna. With texts by Ina Wudtke and Dieter Lesage, as well as an editorial by Christiane Krejs and 49 illustrations in 4-colour print. Available from Kunstraum Niederösterreich.

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Weltgerichtstriptychon. Dieter Lesage Hrsg. Revolver Publishing.

Posted in Exhibition catalogue on February 24th, 2022
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Published as a catalogue for the exhibition “Das Neueste Weltgerichtstriptychon” curated by Dieter Lesage, xhibit AdbK Vienna, 2014 – edited by Ina Wudtke, Herman Asselberghs, Alice Creischer, Andreas Siekmann, Dieter Lesage and Maruša Sagadin. Numerous 4-colour illustrations.

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The Fine Art Of Living. Ina Wudtke. Archive Books.

Posted in writing on February 21st, 2022
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Gentrification is not a law of nature, it is a war against the low-income. It is planned for the long term and sustainably supported by political actors. Between 2008 and 2018, Ina Wudtke’s work focused on the de-housing of low-income households in city centres. The Fine Art of Living sheds light on the dark side of post-reunification policies that reorganised a debt-ridden household at the expense of low-income tenants through legal instruments such as modernisation and owner-occupancy claims, among others.

With contributions by Andrej Holm, Elke Krasny, Dieter Lesage, Ursula Maria Probst, Ina Wudtke and Florian Wüst.

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Starship @ Motto Berlin. 04.08.2013

Posted in Events on July 31st, 2013
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Starship @ Motto Berlin. 04.08.2013
from 6pm

Annette Wehrmann : Luftschlangentexte
Reading from the book by Judith Hopf and Ina Wudtke
Music by HC Dany and Nedalot

About the book:

Annette Wehrmann – Luftschlangentexte

Dieses Buch, das bisher nur in wenigen handgebundenen Exemplaren existierte, versammelt drei der Texte, die die Grundlagen für Annette Wehrmanns Performances bildeten.

Annette Wehrmann, die jung 2010 starb, lebte vor allem in Hamburg. Sie war ein wichtiger Teil der Künstlergeneration, die in den 90er Jahren in Erscheinung trat, und mit einem wenig akademischen und weitgefassten Kunstbegriff zu dem beitrugen, was die Kunstszene Berlins nach dem Fall der Mauer ausmachte, und bis heute zum Bild Berlins als Kunstzentrum beiträgt.
Die Texte kommentieren diese Jahre, wie sie es auch selbst in ihren Performances tat. Ihre Beobachtungen reichen von der politischen Entwicklung, über alltägliche Begebenheiten, zu den Ausstellungen und Kunstaktionen dieser Jahre. Mit trockenem Humor und unvorhersehbaren Wendungen verwebt sie diese Beobachtungen in ihre eigentlichsten Interessensfelder, utopische Gesellschaftsentwürfe, Sci-Fi und Feminismus.
Dieses Buch gibt einen ersten Einblick in ihr Schreiben. Der Text hat die Form eines Tagebuches, war aber immer an eine Öffentlichkeit gerichtet. Es konfrontiert die Leser mit den Bedingungen eines Künstlerlebens, mit einer Künstlerin, deren Aufmerksamkeit zur Grundlage für ihr Werk wird.

Anlässlich der Präsentation in Berlin lesen die Berliner Künstlerinnen Judith Hopf und Ina Wudtke, nahe Freundinnen der Autorin, aus dem Buch.

Annette Wehrmann Luftschlangentexte

This book, having been until now available only in a few hand-bound copies, distributed directly by the artist, consists of three texts, basis of three of Annette Wehrmann‘s performances. In these performances the texts, typed on paper blow-outs, would be read aloud by Annette Wehrmann, climbing and crawling through the space.
Annette Wehrmann, conceptual sculptor, political artist, activist for useless time and space died young, in 2010. She had an important position in her generation, among the artists who emerged in the 90ies and who with their un-academic and widespread activities formed what became the art-scene of post-wall Berlin, where she was a frequent visitor, while mostly living in Hamburg.
The texts, as did her performances, comment on these years. With dry humour and unexpected twists Annette Wehrmann observes the political development, the daily live and the exhibitions and art events of the 90ies and reflects them through her own fields of interest, utopian literature, sci-fi and feminism.
The book presents a first insight in her writings. While the texts take the form of a diary, they were always intended to be published. They speak to the reader about the life of an artist, for whom every observation becomes material for her work.

On the occasion of the presentation of Annette Wehrmann – Luftschlangentexte, Berlin based artists Judith Hopf and Ina Wudtke, close friends of Annette Wehrmann, will read from the book. (book and reading are in german)

9.99 €
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