for a provisional anthology of elevated desires. Doris Maninger, Maurizio Alampi, Mirza Kahriman. CURA.BOOKS; Motto Books

Posted in Exhibition catalogue, Motto Books on November 5th, 2021
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Catalogue of Doris Maninger’s solo exhibition

for a provisional anthology of elevated desires
Curated by Veronica He, Pia Lauro

21.10.21 – 08.01.22

On display forty Mongolfiere, made with recycled materials, objet trouvé and natural elements, each dedicated to a desire. The project was born in the spring of 2020 when, in response to the isolation imposed by the pandemic, the artist asked friends, family and colleagues to express a desire to be shaped, leaving all of them free to follow the flow of their thoughts and aspirations. This freedom gave birth to a choral discourse, made up of a set of desires all different from each other but united by the same strength and determination.

The anthology composed by Doris Maninger is, as the title itself explains, a provisional collection – because it is potentially in the making – of desires ironically defined as “elevated”, an allusion to both their nobility and their suspension in space.

In addition to the Mongolfiere series, the series of drawings is also on display, in which the artist returns to work on desires to give life to two-dimensional works where artistic intuition finds its maximum synthesis and abstraction. To complete the exhibition, voice overs that transform every single desire into a soundtrack. This part of the project was developed in collaboration with Maurizio Alampi, who composed a short arrangement with each desire, providing an admittedly partial poetic reading among the many possible ones.

For a provisional anthology of elevated desires it is therefore a collection of forms of desire, in which the coexistence of languages, and a composition methodology based on the circularity and the chorality of thought give life to an anthology that we could define as proximity, as story of the substance of the human relationship.

Doris Maninger (Graz, Austria 1958)
She trained as a painter and restorer at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, she has moved at young age to Italy to complete her studies in various fields of arts and crafts. Her work is constantly shifting between diverse fields such as painting, sculpture, textile design and jewelry, combining traditional techniques with new formal approaches and theoretical research. In 1998, she moved to Florence and co-founded the contemporary jewellery school Alchimia with Lucia Massei. She exhibited, lectured, gave workshops and curated internationally in places such as, among the others, Hong Kong, Seoul, Tokyo, Tel Aviv, Bangkok, Cairo and in various private and public institutions around Europe and America. In 2017 she left the school she co-founded and is working as consultant, free-lance educator and artist. Since 2016 she has been teaching consultant of the Design Studio Azza Fahmy in Cairo, Egypt.

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100 Paintings. Michael Manning. Cura.Books.

Posted in painting on April 11th, 2016
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100 paintings, the new publication by the LA based artist Michael Manning, features a selection of 100 digital drawings selected from four distinct series of paintings.

The use of this medium started with Manning’s regular contribution to, a website dedicated to art made with smartphones, then continuously explored through many software’s possibilities, thanks to Microsoft 8 operating system and its touchscreen interface, together with FreshPaint, a finger painting app. The book features an essay by Brian Droitcour on the mobile practice of the Microsoft Painting series, a contribution by Gene McHugh, who summarizes the influence of Southern California sun on Manning’s palette, and the Amphibious Materiality essay, by Peter Amdam where he describes the gooeyness in Wild Fusion gestural affectivity. Finally, as Manning says in conversation with Lucy Chinen: “It’s like coconut bath wash, sandy hair, palm tree sunset vaped out pelican art lol”.

35 €
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milk revolution. cura. Books

Posted in Uncategorized on May 11th, 2015


Produced by American Academy in Rome

Edition of 399 copies

Silver or gold cover


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Sculptures Also Die. Lorenzo Benedetti (Ed.). cura. Books

Posted in sculpture, Uncategorized, writing on May 10th, 2015
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Artists: Francesco Arena (Italy), Nina Beier (Denmark), Katinka Bock (Germany), Giorgio Andreotta Calò (Italy), Dario D’Aronco (Italy), N.Dash (USA), Michael Dean (UK), Oliver Laric (Austria), Mark Manders (Netherlands), Michael E. Smith (USA), Fernando Sánchez Castillo (Spain) and Francisco Tropa (Portugal), Oscar Tuazon (USA)
Graphic Design: Andrea Baccin & Walter Santomauro

Edition of 1.000 copies

Produced by Palazzo Strozzi Foundation

Sculptures Also Die offering a reflection on contemporary sculpture curated by Lorenzo Benedetti through new and existing work by twelve Italian and international artists who will be forging a reflection on the meaning, the potential and the new experimental approaches in sculpture today. Contemporary artists tend to use new forms and materials to address a broader time span in an ongoing dialogue between the past and the future; yet at the same time, the exhibition reflects on the way in which today’s artists are also rediscovering such materials as bronze, stone or ceramic, that appeared to have been relegated to the purely academic sphere. These materials are rediscovered and used in a conceptual manner to reflect on such themes as the monument, the fragment, the way materials wear over time, and the recovery of the recent modernist past.

Language: Italian / English


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Francesco Arena – Works 2004-2014. cura.books

Posted in Exhibition catalogue on October 24th, 2014
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 Francesco Arena – Works 2004-2014. cura. books.

This book is published after the solo exhibitions held at De Vleeshal, Middelburg (April 17 – June 13, 2010) and FRAC Champagne-Ardenne, Reims (February 1 – April 21, 2013)

Texts: Marcella Beccaria, Lorenzo Benedetti, Florence Derieux and Ara H. Merjian
Graphic Design: Andrea Baccin, Walter Santomauro

Edition of 1.000 copies

175 pages
24.5 x 34 cm
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The Ritual of the Snake. Gianni Politi. cura.books.

Posted in history on December 2nd, 2013
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The Ritual of the Snake. Gianni Politi. cura.books.

What images can speak today of the Absolute in a universal way? Aby Warburg’s legendary journey among the native tribes of North America – an experience reported in the famous 1923 conference on the “Serpent Ritual,” which in 1939 appeared in the Warburg Institute’s «Journal», and later became the scholar’s spiritual testament – represents the emotional and cultural reference behind a collection of 80 images, selected by eight artists and eight curators, dedicated to the identification and construction of a personal and collective imaginary. The power of images, of which Warburg investigated the origins in magic rituals and in spiritual and pagan celebrations, is given back here through the explorations of the authors involved, who, thanks to a variety of experiences and of historical, personal and cultural references, go through the kaleidoscopic landscape of contemporary iconography.

Concept: Gianni Politi
Design: Andrea Baccin

Price: €18.00

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The art of Folding for young and old. Luca Trevisani. Cura Books.

Posted in Uncategorized on May 19th, 2012
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The art of Folding for young and old. Luca Trevisani. Cura Books.

For his artist book project, The art of folding, for young and old, Luca Trevisani draws
inspiration from a Chinese book of origami and paper folding, found in New York. His work consisted
in scanning the entire book and then intervene on the new form of the book as scans. The result is a
project in which old and new convey together in a perfect equilibrium and where the work of Trevisani
is integrated with the book on origami’s. The reader interacts with the work carefully looking at
the pages in an attempt of finding the artist’s intrusions.

Design: Andrea Baccin
Edition of 500 copies

D 18 €
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