Ängelen. Peter Winklund.

Posted in Editions, photography, poetry, sculpture on October 31st, 2023
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This is a limited edition photo book in 200 copies with images by Peter Wiklund and texts from poems by the Swedish writer Willy Granqvist (b. 1948, d. 1985). 

The Swedish word Ängelen means “the angel” (but with an elderly spelling).

Each book is numbered and signed, and has a small unique, handmade cyanotype on the cover.

Order here

Cyanotypes – Ruth Erdt & Eva Vuillemin

Posted in Motto Berlin store, photography on July 10th, 2011

Cyanotypes – Ruth Erdt & Eva Vuillemin

Self Portraits Ruth Erdt 16-22 years.
Self Portraits Eva Vuillemin 16-22 years.
Eva is Ruth’s daughter.
Cyanotype is one of the earliest photographic printing processes.
The specific blue colouring of the print is called “Berliner Blau”.
The images were made through exposure to sunlight on the street.

Idea: Ruth Erdt
Editing: Ruth Erdt, Eva Vuillemin, Benedikt Reichenbach
Graphic Design: Benedikt Reichenbach
Thanks to Urs Küenzi (Substitut Berlin) and Landis & Gyr (Kulturstiftung Zug)
Berlin 2011

D 19€