The Last Zürich Zine Sezession: 12.12.2010

Posted in Exhibitions, Fairs, Motto Zürich store, Zines on November 30th, 2010
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Join us at the Last Zürich Zine Sezession on the 12th of December at Perla Mode, Zürich.

More than 40 publishers are presenting their work:

Ampel Magazin, Luzern
Eric Andersen, Zürich
Asterisk, Talinn
Automatic Books, Venezia
Beni Bischof, St. Gallen
Boa Books, Genève
Café Royale, Southport
Detektiv Bureau, Luzern
Duke Press, London
Edition Taube, Stuttgart
Famicon, London
For Further Information, London
Für Immer, Zürich
Grilli, Bern
GRRRR, Zürich
Hakuin Verlag, Zürich
Hannes Gloor, Zürich
Himaa, Tokyo
Innen Zines, Budapest
Islands Fold, Victoria
King Matto, Aarau
Je suis une Bande de Jeunes, Paris
Kodoji Press, Baden
Larry’s, New York/Berlin
Malheft, Zürich
Marsplastik , Zürich
Maximage, Lausanne
Me and my Friends, London
Motto, Berlin/Zürich
Multi Press, Hamburg
Nieves, Zürich
Nuts, Washington
Pipifax, Zürich
Retard Rio, New York
Rollo Press, Zürich
Shoboshobo, Paris
Somewhere Sometimes, Milano
The Kingsboro Press, New York
The Meta Press, Zürich
Turbo Magazine, Biel
HAHA, Arnheim
Westphalie Verlag, Berlin/Wien

In addition to the book presentations:

‘Sister’, by Harsh Patel
A long-time project by Los Angeles based zine maker, Harsh Patel will be displayed in the basement of Perla Mode.

‘Grosi’ by Walter Seiler Junior
A 20 minute long puppet show telling the story of a young man reflecting on his own life.

‘Beyond modern and Postmodern’
The Work of the Hungarian artist László László Révész, by Christian Zillner

Book launch of a new title published by innen, from Christian Zillner.
There will be a conversation between the artist and the author, as well as a video projection from László László Révész.
Drawings from the artist will also be on display.


The project is co-organized by Motto Zürich and Corner College.

Perla Mode
Langstr. 84
8004 Zürich

der:die:das #4- Ausgabe d wie Dose / Issue d like “Dose” (can)

Posted in magazines, Motto Berlin store, photography, writing on November 30th, 2010

der:die:das – Ausgabe d wie Dose

D 12 €

Available for distribution.

Komfort mag #5

Posted in graphic design, Motto Berlin store, Motto Zürich store, photography on November 29th, 2010


Komfort mag #5
D 11.50€

Available for distribution.


Posted in graphic design, Motto Berlin store on November 29th, 2010
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BOM DIA, BOA TARDE, BOA NOITE, Manuel Raeder Agenda 2011

Contributors: Manuel Raeder, Carla Zaccagnini, Mariana Castillo Deball, Daniel Steegmann, Eran Schaerf, Bojan Sarcevic, Rodolfo Samperio, Amanda Haas, Amalia Pica, Adriana Lara, Manuel Goller.

D 22€

La Tour Noire, Stéphanie Gygax – Jean-Paul Chatelanat. Rollo Press

Posted in Motto Berlin store, Motto Zürich store, photography, Zines on November 27th, 2010
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La Tour Noire, Stéphanie Gygax – Jean-Paul Chatelanat.
Réalisée par Stéphanie Gygax, à partir des photographies de Jean-Paul Chatelanat.

Première édition de 150 exemplaires, publiée par Rollo Press

D 13€
Available for distribution.


1946, 1947, 1948 – Die vergessenen Jahre der schönsten Schweizer Bücher. Corner College. Zürich

Posted in Uncategorized on November 26th, 2010


20. November – 5. Dezember 2010

Eröffnung: Freitag, 19. November, 18 – 22 Uhr
Öffnungszeiten: Dienstag bis Samstag 12 – 19 Uhr

«If ever there was a yardstick in book-design, Switzerland is the country to furnish it in 1946/47.»
Charles Rosner, 1947

«Das Wachstum des Schweizer Verlages spiegelt sich am deutlichsten in Zahlen. Eindrücklich ist die Entwicklung der Gesamtzahl der in der Schweiz pro Jahr gedruckten Bücher: 1914 : 1470; 1918 : 1764; 1921 : 1332; 1925 : 1748; 1938 : 2162; 1940 : 1705; 1941 : 2510; 1943 : 3358; 1946 : 4001. […] Im Jahr 1966 waren es über 6000 Titel.»
Willy Rotzler, 1969

«Seinen Text in ein Dreieck oder in einen Block zu zwängen, ihn in den Umriss eines Stundenglases oder einen Rhombus zu pressen, ist ein Vergehen, das eine überzeugendere Rechtfertigung braucht als nur die Existenz italienischer und französischer Vorbilder im fünfzehnten und sechzehnten Jahrhundert oder den Ehrgeiz, im zwanzigsten etwas Neues zu schaffen.»
Stanley Morison, 1955/1987

«But basically, books are for reading; the looking-at function is secondary.»
Ruari McLean, 1972

«Tschichold ist daran die Schweiz zu verlassen, und so werden wir das Übel endlich los, das wir von vornherein eingeladen haben.»
Max Bill, 1946

«History: what explains, and complicates.»
Robin Kinross, 2010

„Schlechte Typografie schadet der Gesundheit“ schrieb der Buchgestalter, Typograf und Theoretiker Jan Tschichold. Heute sind wir weit entfernt von ähnlich polarisierenden, Stil predigenden Grundsatzdiskussionen über Buchgestaltung. Es bleibt jedoch fraglich, ob die Absenz einer Diskussion über Qualität von Grafik Design dieser zuträglich ist. Gerade in einer Umbruchphase, wo das auf Papier gedruckte und gestaltete Buch unter digitalen Druck gerät, scheint es mehr denn je relevant zu sein, Fragen nach den Bedingungen der Buchproduktion zu stellen. Die Ausstellung „1946, 1947, 1948 – Die vergessenen Jahre der schönsten Schweizer Bücher“ wird diesen und weiteren Fragestellungen nachgehen, in dem sie einen Blick in die Vergangenheit unternimmt und den Rückblick als Schablone auf den aktuellen Grafik-Design-Diskurs legt. Hierzu findet in den Räumen des Perla-Mode einerseits eine Ausstellung statt, die von verschiedenen Veranstaltungen inhaltlich gerahmt wird.

Eine Ausstellung übers Büchermachen. Ein Blick zurück, einer nach vorn.

Corner College

Langstrasse 84 / Brauerstrasse 37
CH-8004 Zürich

Pre Specifics: Access X!

Posted in graphic design, writing on November 25th, 2010
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Onomatopee 52: Research project
Pre-specifics: access x!
Get access to the “X” imposed by designed culture!

Not only humankind might have an “X” Factor; an environment or a product may equally have one. If a person has an “X” Factor, his power increases. Similarly, as soon as an environment or a product has an “X” Factor, it gains control over us… Let’s make this production more accesible!

PRE-SPECIFICS: ACCESS X! not only showcases luring products, spaces and concepts by contemporary artists, designers, architects and others, but actually also provides insight into their strategies. The exhibition thus features both sensory works and accountable strategies and motivations. The accompanying publication offers further notions into designed culture’s X: its productive conditions and modes of mediation.

Over recent years, ‘Design’ has progressed into a collective term for various activities of research, conceptualisation, production and even criticality. As ‘Design’ became synonymous to widespread professional authority, ‘Design’ became the name for physically imposed control and personally imposed power at large: from the spatial design of McDonald’s to the branding of the new hybrid car, from the executive stance of the spin doctor to the services of the shrink and beyond. Li Edelkoort, design guru and former director of the Design Academy, even expressed a demand for the designer-politician…. The research project PRE-SPECIFICS: ACCESS X! offers you both a rich scope of forms of “X” as an instrumental toolbox to engage the “X” in our designed culture, offering ACCESS to X!

Onomatopee commissioned a variety of proposals, first of all to map out to what extent the addressed ‘design’ practice touches upon conditions of such a type of production and, second, to situate X in practice by means of a newly produced work. The proposals have been exhibited at Röda Sten Kulturforening Göteborg. From these proposals, Onomatopee has selected the majority to be actualised at Onomatopee Eindhoven during the Dutch Design Week.

Contributors: Platform for Pedagogy (US), Uglycute (SE), Olaf Nicolai (DE), Dexter Sinister (US), Joana Meroz / Andrea Bandoni / Saron Paz (NL), Unfold (BE), Metahaven (NL), Lust (NL), Claire Fontaine (FR), Société Réaliste (FR), Ryan Gander / Abake (UK), Dave Hullfish Bailey (US) Florian Conradi / Michelle Christensen (DE).

Curators: Freek Lomme (NL) & Michael Capio (US)
Exhibition design: Dave Keune (NL)
Graphic design publication: Eric de Haas (NL)

D 15€

Buy: orders@mottodistribution

History in the Making: Workshop 1 & The Form of the Book Book (2nd edition) 01.12.2010 Forde/Motto, Geneva

Posted in graphic design, workshop on November 24th, 2010
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History in the Making: Workshop 1
01.12.2010, 2pm – 6pm
Forde/Motto hosts a public workshop developed by Sara De Bondt and Catherine de Smet on the histories and historiography of graphic design, involving a group of students from the Ecole cantonale d’art de Lausanne and their tutor Roland Früh. The first in a series, the workshop is aimed at compiling material for a reader on graphic design history, to be published by Occasional Papers, coinciding with the ‘Graphic Design: History in the Making’ conference at St. Bride Library (London), 6 May 2011.

The Form of the Book Book (2nd edition)
01.12.2010, 6pm
Launch of the second edition of The Form of the Book Book, edited by Sara De Bondt and Fraser Muggeridge. Special drinks will be served.

11, rue de la Coulouvrenière
CH-1204 Genève
+41 (0)22 321 68 22

Quick Magazine #1

Posted in magazines, Motto Berlin store, stencil printing on November 24th, 2010
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Quick Magazine #1, Julian Stalbohm: from the series: famous crashes reenacted by xerox

32 pages, 2 colour stencil print

D 7€

Available for distribution

Buy: orders@mottodistribution

Oscar Tuazon edition for May

Posted in Editions, Motto Berlin store on November 23rd, 2010


Oscar Tuazon edition for May
VONU, The Search for Personal Freedom, Rayo. Edited by Jon Fisher and published by Loompanics Unlimited.

Reprinted and bound in green sheepskin soft cover with a circular inlaid C-print, 14 x 21.5 cm. Printed in a numbered edition of 50, each with a unique inlaid photograph.
