A ROOM WITH A VIEW. Verena Von Beckerath (Ed.). Monroe Books.

Posted in photography, writing on June 14th, 2023
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A ROOM WITH A VIEW takes place in and around the Pensione Seguso, a historic, family-run hotel in Venice. Guided by architecture professor Verena von Beckerath as part of the homonymous seminar at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar that she led in collaboration with art historian Sassa Trülzsch, the contributions to this edition range from the historical to the anecdotal to the artistic and beyond, resulting in a holistic and comprehensive analysis of not only the pensione, but what hospitality and tourism mean today, both in Venice and the world at large.
The contributors to this publication come from varying backgrounds, and the rich variety in tone and format reflects that. A ROOM WITH A VIEW features a reflection and collage by urologist and art fanatic Albrecht Kastein, photos by architect and photographer Andrew Alberts, architect Oda Pälmke’s personal account of her time at the pensione, an insightful interview with the owners Yvonne Matijas Seguso and Lawrence Hoque, and architect, professor and editor Ludovico Centis’s historical account of Venice.
Much like the pensione, the book eludes rigid categorisation; it alternates between written pieces and photographs, each adding nuance to the work and changing the narrative perspective. As you wander through the pensione during the course of this edition, meeting the owners and venturing into the history of Venice, one question continuously arises, how can we live together?
This book is NOA 10 in the Notes on Architecture series, which is published by the Chair of Design and Housing at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.

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Rasto. Mircea Sorin Albuțiu.

Posted in photography, Self published, travel on June 8th, 2023
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You see what I see? On the bed, we see the soft touch of the light filtered by the curtains that open to the morning’s gestures.
Each day images appear, certain of new discoveries in a foreign land. In the silence of the journey towards creating a picture, feet scratch the sand and the body inscribes a shape in our gaze. Now, places are inhabited by languid, curious gestures and unspoken words. In Mircea’s images, bodies speak, movements express a time saturated with waiting. The echo emerges from the artist’s expression, through the unconscious perspective of lenses, mediators of a broader vision.

Tu vês o que eu vejo? Sobre a cama, vemos o toque suave da luz coada pelas cortinas que se abrem aos gestos da manhã. A cada dia surge o registo, na certeza de uma nova descoberta no país dos outros. No silêncio do percurso para o desenho, os pés riscam a areia e o corpo inscreve uma forma no olhar. Agora, os lugares são habitados por gestos languidos, curiosos e pelas palavras não ditas. Nas imagens de Mircea, os corpos falam, os movimentos expressam um tempo saturado da espera. O eco surge na expressão do artista, através do inconsciente ótico das lentes mediadoras de uma visão maior.

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