Karel Martens: Printed Matter / Drukwerk (3rd reprint)

Posted in Editions, graphic design, history, Motto Berlin store, printmaking, typography, writing on December 19th, 2010
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Printed Matter / Drukwerk, Karel Martens with Jaap van Triest and Robin Kinross

Revised and extended, third edition, 50 years of work.
Published by Hyphen Press

The work of Karel Martens occupies an intriguing place in the present European art-and-design landscape. Martens can be placed in the tradition of Dutch modernism – in the line of figures such as Piet Zwart, H.N. Werkman, Willem Sandberg. Yet he maintains some distance from the main developments of our time: from both the practices of routinized modernism and of the facile reactions against this. His work is both personal and experimental. At the same time, it is publicly answerable. Over the now 50 years of his practice, Martens has been prolific as a designer of books. He has also made contributions in a wide range of design commissions, including stamps, coins, signs on buildings. Intimately connected with this design work has been his practice as an artist. This started with geometric and kinetic constructions, and was later developed in work with the very material of paper; more recently he has been making relief prints from found industrial artefacts. This book looks for new ways to show and discuss the work of a designer and artist, and is offered in the same spirit of experiment and dialogue that characterizes the work it presents.

Out Of Print

Hyphen Press

Posted in Motto Berlin store, typography, Uncategorized on August 22nd, 2009


Motto is happy to stock a large selection from Hyphen Press.

Available in Berlin store:

Asleep in the afternoon, E.C. Large
Sugar in the air, E.C. Large
Paul Renner: the art of typography, Christopher Burke
God’s amateur: the writing of E.C. Large, Stuart Bailey and Robin Kinross
Detail in typography, Jost Hochuli
A view of early typography: up to about 1600, Harry Carter / Introduction by James Mosley
Anthony Froshaug: Typography & texts / Documents of a life, Robin Kinross
Fragments of utopia: collage reflections of heroic modernism, David Wild
Models & Constructs: margin notes to a design culture, Norman Potter
What is a designer: things, places, messages, Norman Potter
Active literature: Jan Tschichold and New Typography, Christopher Burke
Typography papers 7 – Department of Typography, University of Reading
Typography papers 5 – Department of Typography, University of Reading
Designing books: practice and theory, Jost Hochuli & Robin Kinross
The transformer: principles of making Isotype charts, Marie Neurath and Robin Kinross
Type now: a manifesto, plus work so far, Fred Smeijers
