Higher Arc #1
Posted in Fashion, graphic design, illustration, magazines, photography, writing on August 16th, 2011 by adminTags: bless, Himaa, interview
Higher Arc #1
The inaugural issue of Higher Arc magazine includes:
accuracy, archives, art, big names/no names, clumsiness, collating, conflict, conspiracy, dialogue, editing, experiments, knowledge, literature, lectures, new sincerity, old jokes, projects, reading, TIME, the hand, transcription, writing…
Akiko Watanabe, Alasdair McLuckie, Andrew Murray, Anna Heyward, Andrew Liversidge, Bill Peit, BLESS, Chris Barton, ffiXXed, Gian Manik, HIMAA, John Kleckner, Lindsay August-Salazar, Manuel Buerger, Matthew Griffin, Martin Bell, Mieke Chew, Miles Allinson, Misha Hollenbach, Nicholas Ashby, Pat Foster and Jen Berean, Th. Baldishwyler, Thomas Jeppe, Tim Hillier, Tin & Ed, TONK, Tom Ellard, William Heyward.
D €15
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