Salsiccette Snack. G. M. Belli, T. Braida, G. A. Cereda, A. Parvanova, C. Pozzi. bruno
Posted in illustration on October 6th, 2021Tags: Anastasiya Parvanova, Bruno, Carolina Pozzi, drawing, Giorgia Agnese Cereda, Giulia Maria Belli, illustration, Salsiccette Snack, Thomas Braida
A miniseries on drawing
This enticing series of little books approaches drawing in its most specific acceptation, i.e. as a peremptory gesture that is gradually revealed, a tool at the service of thought and a primary form of representation. The pages feature both real and imaginary objects along with the caprices, secrets and flights of fancy of the artists involved. With all the speed and immediacy of a snack, browsing through this finger-lickin’ collection – jam-packed full of mouth-watering tasty tit bits – will certainly whet your appetite. And once you try one, you will keep coming back for more.
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