Simulacrum – Jrg. 30 #3 Nightmare. Simulacrum
Posted in Journals, magazines, writing on September 3rd, 2022Tags: Denise van Rooij, Frank van der Wulp, Jérémy Bernard, Jonas van Kappel, Joyce Poot, Kenneth Geurts, Kim Mulder, Laure Vanrijckeghem, Neža Kokol, Niels Noot, nightmares, Sanne Kabalt, simulacrum, Simulacrum – Jrg. 30 #3 Nightmare, writings

Aren’t we all familiar with the deeply personal experience of waking up alone, in anguish and despair, from the depths of a nightmare? Whether it’s disordered sleeping, sleep paralysis or the more regular frightening dream, the night and its terrors have kept us occupied since the very beginning of humanity. For this issue of Simulacrum, we – together – delve into the furthest corners of our minds to discover the dark and disorienting meaning we might find there. But a nightmare is much more than something to be fearful of. The nightmare is entangled with our histories and can lead us to our deepest selves, by bringing up feelings which we don’t dare to feel in real life. It has provided many creators with inspiration for their art of many forms. As we will discover within this issue of Simulacrum, this personal aspect of the nightmare can lead to incredibly diverse approaches and interpretations that we hope will allow you to reconsider the meaning and feeling that nightmares can bring us.
Authors: Neža Kokol, Joyce Poot, Niels Noot, Jonas van Kappel, Jérémy Bernard, Kenneth Geurts, Denise van Rooij, Kim Mulder, Frank van der Wulp, Laure Vanrijckeghem, Sanne Kabalt.
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