Fillip #13

Posted in magazines, Motto Berlin store, Motto Vancouver store, Motto Zürich store, writing on March 17th, 2011
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Fillip #13
Contributors: Antonia Hirsh, Jan Verwoert, Candice Hopkins, Carson Chan, Anthony Downey, Jeff Khonsary, Claire Tancons and Jesse McKee, Lisa Marshall, Haema Sivanesan, Ryan Trecartin and Kristina Lee Podesva.

D 12€


Available for distribution.

Komma (after Dalton Trumbo’s Johnny Got His Gun), Antonia Hirsch. Launch @ Motto Vancouver, 12.02.2011.

Posted in Motto Vancouver event on February 8th, 2011
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Please join us Saturday, February 12 at 8 pm for the launch of Komma at Motto Vancouver at the Or Gallery, 555 Hamilton Street, Vancouver. The event coincides with the opening of the Or Gallery exhibition Komma (after Dalton Trumbo’s Johnny Got His Gun), featuring the 16 mm film installation associated with Hirsch’s new book. The exhibition runs through March 19.

Komma (after Dalton Trumbo’s Johnny Got His Gun), Antonia Hirsh.
With accompanying essays by Maria Muhle and Kristina Lee Podesva.
Published by Fillip Editions, an imprint of Fillip, Vancouver, specializing in books of critical writing and artists’ publications.

More info here.