Fillip #13
Author: -
Publisher: Projectile Publishing Society, Jeff Khonsary
Language: English
Pages: 116
Size: 17 x 24.5 cm
290 g
Binding: Softcover
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Product Description
Fillip #13
Measures of an Exhibition: Space, Not Art, Is the Curator’s
Primary Material / Carson Chan
Camps (or the Precarious Logic of Late Modernity) / Anthony Downey
Intangible Economies / Antonia Hirsch
The Golden Potlatch
: Study in Mimesis and Capitalist Desire / Candice Hopkins
Browsing the AAAARG Library / Jeff Khonsary
An Evidence Horizon / Lisa Marshall
Producing Images in Times of War / Haema Sivanesan
On Carnival and
Contractual Curating / Jesse McKee and Claire Tancons
When the time comes
you won’t understand
the battlefield / Kristina Lee Podesva and Ryan Trecartin
Faith Money Love / Jan Verwoert
Fillip is a publication of art, culture and ideas released three times a year by the Projectile Publishing Society from Vancouver, British Columbia.