Klangteppich V Magazin. Franziska Buhre. Norient Books
Posted in magazines, music, writing on August 24th, 2023Tags: Ali Kamrani, Amin Hashemi, crititque, Erum Naqvi, Festival für Musik der iranischen Diaspora, Franziska Buhre (ed.), Hannes Liechti, Klangteppich V Magazin, Matthias Küntzel, music, Music studies, Nikan Khosravi, Pardis Zarghampour, Shaahin Peymani, Shabnam Parvaresh, Shayan Navab, Tanasgol Sabbagh

Franziska Buhre (ed.)
Klangteppich V Magazin
Festival für Musik der iranischen Diaspora
Editorial Support: Hannes Liechti
Design: MüllerValentini – Agentur für Markendesign
Copy Editing: Angus Finlayson, Tash Siddiqui, Meredith Slifkin, Tucker Wiedenkeller
Since 2021, Norient has been publishing an Online Special together with Klangteppich, the Berlin-based festival for music from the Iranian diaspora. In the meantime, this publication has developed into an archive of lively perspectives on contemporary music-making in Iran and the Iranian diaspora.
The texts have been created as an invitation to festival artists and other authors to deepen their own narratives and meaningful historiographies of exchange between Iran and the world.
With this Special, we want to raise awareness of the complex realities in which diasporic artists work. The fifth festival edition is now an opportunity to collect a selection of previous and new texts in a printed magazine.
Table of Contents:
Franziska Buhre und Hannes Liechti: «Prolog»
Impressionen Klangteppich I 2018 (Photo Series)
Shayan Navab: «And Somewhere I’ve Heard the Screams Before» (Short Essay)
Sophie Grobler: «Our Homeland» (Short Essay)
Amin Hashemi: «On the History of Iranian Popular Music» (Short Essay)
Impressionen Klangteppich II 2019 (Fotoserie)
Shaahin Peymani: «One Way Passage to Tehran» (Short Essay)
Franziska Buhre, Hadi Bastani: «Listening Is at the Heart of What I Do» (Interview)
Erum Naqvi: «Diaspora Comes Home» (Round Up)
Arshia Samsaminia: «Making Persian Music More Accessible to Outsiders» (Music Theory)
Impressionen Klangteppich III 2021 (Photo Series)
Franziska Buhre: «Bass Drums, Cowbells, Tambourines» (Essay)
Ali Kamrani: «Lass mich mit Hass nicht allein» (Gedicht)
Tanasgol Sabbagh: «Dard I Door» (Poetic Text)
Pardis Zarghampour: «Wann gehen wir zurück?» (Essay)
Impressionen Klangteppich IV 2022 (Fotoserie)
Nikan Khosravi: «Being on the Right Side of History» (Essay)
Shabnam Parvaresh: «Blinde Passagiere» (Essay)
Matthias Küntzel: «Der Rundfunk als Waffe. Die Persisch-sprachige Nazipropaganda und ihre Folgen» (Essay)
With contributions by Hadi Bastani,
Franziska Buhre,
Sophia Grobler,
Amin Hashemi,
Ali Kamrani,
Nikan Khosravi,
Matthias Küntzel,
Erum Naqvi,
Shayan Navab,
Shabnam Parvaresh,
Shaahin Peymani,
Tanasgol Sabbagh,
Arshia Samsaminia
and Pardis Zarghampour
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