28.04: “Mind The Gap”, Cazul101’s group show | Exhibition Opening @ Motto Berlin
Posted in Events, Exhibitions, Motto Berlin event on April 27th, 2022Tags: “Mind The Gap”, Adriana Preda, Anca Bucur, Bogdan Armanu, Cazul101, Dan Perjovschi, Exhibition, Ioana Gheorghiu, Megan Dominescu, motto berlin, Nicoleta Moise, opening, SABA, Silvia Amancei

Image by Adriana Preda.
We are pleased to invite you to “Mind The Gap”, the three-days-opening of the Cazul101 group show featuring works of Dan Perjovschi, Anca Bucur, artistic duo SABA (Silvia Amancei and Bogdan Armanu), Nicoleta Moise, Adriana Preda, Ioana Gheorghiu and Megan Dominescu.
28 April, at 6pm
@ Motto Berlin
Skalitzer Str. 68
10997, Berlin
Regularly using the subversive and progressive message in their practice, the artists are invited to reflect on the current political situation due to the high rise of extremist regimes in Europe and build a bridge between past and present, personal and political, highlighting the historical events that endangered the freedom of the individual.
The group show “Mind The Gap” is an alarm signal where image and text communicate to question and eradicate the toxic extremist behaviours experienced by the artists in the geographical space they develop their work.
After the three opening days, on 1st of May, from 7pm, the artist Dan Perjovschi will be present for an artist talk about the synthesis of the last years and the current situation in Europe.
Looking forward to seeing you!