I did not plan to stop there but. Iga Mroziak.
Posted in photography on November 29th, 2023Tags: diary, I did not plan to stop there but., Iga Mroziak, photography, stories, strangers, unknown

I did not plan to stop there but is a collection of photographs that offers a closer look at scenes from everyday life.
Both unknown people and random objects become the target of careful observation. Put in the spotlight (although still in their original context), they become a detail under a magnifying glass − and turn into (Insta)stories about themselves. They don’t pretend to be anything other than what they
really are. An interesting slice of reality. A modern melancholy.
By using an iPhone camera to get closer to my surroundings, I am able to capture details that are easily overlooked without interfering with them. I work organically: sometimes I instinctively take photos with my phone, even if I have already taken them with the camera. And then I immediately make them public, as proof of the existence of ordinary beauty, as something that gives me a feeling of comfort and
elation. It is a process that has accompanied me since my beginnings with photography.
These photos represent life’s great journey as well as small daily trips, with all the unscheduled stops I make along the way. They reflect the experience of finding the extraordinary while exploring the real.
Edited and designed by Iga Mroziak
Photographs, poem, drawings by Iga Mroziak
First edition (2023)
Language: English, Polish
Pages: 176
Proofreading: Piotr Mroziak
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