Francesco Spampinato. Experiencing Hypnotism. Atomic City Books
Posted in Motto Berlin store, Motto Zürich store, photography on February 15th, 2011Tags: Atomic City Books, Experiencing Hypnotism, Francesco Spampinato
Experiencing Hypnotism
Francesco Spampinato
Experiencing Hypnotism is a series of black and white images found on the internet featuring people under the control of hypnotists. A circular graphic has been applied on the foreheads, where visible, of these people. Moreover, hypnotists’ sentences have been added. These sentences are commands pronounced by hypnotists to induce hypnosis. Some of the sentences in experiencing hypnotism have been taken from real hypnosis events, others have been taken from instruction booklets for setting up hi-fi systems like home theaters or receivers.
Experiencing Hypnotism
ISBN 978-88-903078-1-2
60 pages / paper-back / 11×17.5cm
tri-tone print / silver gilt edging
First Edition / 500 copies
D 7€