Phill Clatworthy. Help Your Self. Spark and Worthy.

Posted in lifestyle, writing on August 31st, 2012
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Help Your Self by Phill Clatworthy, published by Spark and Worthy.

Help Your Self is a humorous but sincere homage to the self-help genre.

Available in 4 different colours: Blue, beige, yellow and green. (Please specify in the order comments the colour preferred.)

D 9 €

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Many Of Them Vol. 2: Days Of Being Wild

Posted in Fashion, lifestyle, magazines on August 21st, 2012
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Many Of Them Vol. 2: Days Of Being Wild

A limited edition (1000 copies) self-published magazine from San Sebastian.

Featuring: Cosmic Wonder, Comme des Garçons, Alaïa, Hannelore Knuts, Chanel, Dries van Noten, Yohji Yamamoto, Y-3, Limi Feu, Issey Miyake, Rock Owens, Theyskens’ Theory, Pelican Avenue, Adam Kimmel, Missoni, Swash, Undercover, Dior Homme, Lutz, Maurizio Amadei, Daniela Gregis, Paul Harnden, Jean Colonna, Geoffrey B. Small, Eatable of Many Orders, Bernhard Willhelm, Rosa Maria, Maison Martin Margiela, Bless, Christian Astuguevieille, Elena Ochoa Foster, Jamie Stewart, Owem Pallett, Raya Martin, Lucrecia Martel, Ariane Michel, Nicolas Provost, Kim Ki-Duk, and Isaki Lacuesta.

Printed: Color – Black & White
600 Pages

D 35€

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Otoman Zar-Adusht Ha’nish. M.D. Mazdaznan – Health & Breath Culture. Open Editions & Stanley Picker Gallery.

Posted in history, illustration, lifestyle, sports, writing on August 1st, 2012
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Mazdaznan – Health & Breath Culture (first six exercises) by Otoman Zar-Adusht Ha’nish. M.D. Open Editions & Stanley Picker Gallery (Kingston University)

This book explores the intimate relationship between Mazdaznan, Johannes Itten and the Vorkurs (Preliminary or Foundation Course) at the Bauhaus, Weimar. It is a practical guide to performing the exercises that Itten taught at the Bauhaus and a celebration of a moment of mysticism at the heart of Modernism.

Illustrated and appended by Ian Whittlesea
Pages: 67
Size: 19 x 13 cm

D 20 €

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F de C de Rigueur Reader 2012-1. FdeC(deR).

Posted in Fashion, lifestyle, writing on July 26th, 2012
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F de C de Rigueur Reader 2012-1, Erik Bernhardsson, Robert Cook, Antonin Gaultier, Alin Huma (Ed.)

“Memory as future. Fabric as spore. Pixels as nostalgia. Inland seas as exposures. Painted whiteness as the thing already said said again with meaning.”

Pages: 179
Size: 14.5 x 10 cm
Printed in Indonesia

D 10 €

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Posted in lifestyle, magazines, photography on June 18th, 2012


Being gay today – between acceptance and anti-homosexual legislation. We take a look at one social taboo, homosexuality in old age, and one sexual one: genital modification. We say goodbye to a relic of gay culture from the last generation: the porn cinema. We also met up with fashion legend and well-known Horst fan Jean Paul Gaultier, plus cult fashion designer John Varvatos. Sound designer Michel Gaubert creates the modern man’s playlist exclusively for HORST. Plus: guys in corsets, a Burger Girl, digital media for the gay community and …… penises!

D 25 €
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The Spellbound #1

Posted in Fashion, lifestyle, magazines on May 21st, 2012

The Spellbound #1

The Spellbound is a Berlin-based fashion and culture biannual.
Spring / Summer 2012

D 7 €
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Posted in Fashion, lifestyle, writing on May 16th, 2012
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This catalogue was published on the occasion of Amber, the fourth edition of Arnhem Mode Biennale, that is held from 1 June until 3 July 2011.

Nominated for The Most Beautiful Swiss Books 2011

Publisher: Arnhem Mode Biennale
Art Director: Laurenz Brunner
Design: Laurenz Brunner, Alexander Shoukas, Christopher West

D 15€


Interview #4 (DE). Mai 2012

Posted in Fashion, lifestyle, magazines, photography, writing on April 26th, 2012
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Interview #4 (DE). Mai 2012

Diesen Monat in INTERVIEW:

Die Schauspielerin Keira Knightley sieht für sich keine Chance, US-Präsidentin zu werden, und plädiert für Ahnungslosigkeit beim Kinobesuch. Im Gespräch mit David Cronenberg erzählt sie vom Dreh zu ihrem neuen Film „Anna Karenina“, was der Filmemacher sich mit wachsender Eifersucht anhört: „Ich kann die Vorstellung, dass du mit anderen Regisseuren arbeitest, nur schwer ertragen.“

Die neue Documenta-Leiterin Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev fordert im Gespräch mit der Hundetrainerin Maike Maja Nowak ein Wahlrecht für Hunde. Die Filmproduzentin Minu Barati spricht mit Katja Riemann über ihren Flötenunterricht auf der Waldorfschule. Und die Musikerin Lydia Lunch erklärt ihrem Kollegen Alec Empire, dass sie sich wie ein schwuler Trucker fühlt.

Der Rolling-Stones-Gitarrist Ronnie Wood erzählt Naomi Campbell, dass er erst im Entzug gelernt hat, wie man Wäsche wäscht. Backstreet Boy Howie Dorough berichtet seinem alten Freund Joey McIntyre von den New Kids On The Block, wie glücklich er war, als ihm ein Fan in den Schritt gegriffen habe – es sei der Rock’n’Roll-Moment seiner Karriere gewesen. Ein ganz anderes Erlebnis hatte beim Künstler Martin Eder schwer wiegende Folgen: Wie er dem Kurator Thomas Girst erklärt, schlug ein Meteorit in seinem Garten ein.

Die Jungs aus der MTV-Serie „Jersey Shore“ haben sich von Terry Richardson mit dem israelischen Supermodel Bar Refaeli fotografieren lassen. Schauspielerin Jessica Alba erzählt Regisseur Robert Rodriguez von ihrem neuen Leben als Chefin eines Vertriebs für umweltfreundliche Baby- und Haushaltsprodukte. Und die Sängerin Norah Jones erklärt, dass sie ihr Hit-Album „Come Away With Me“ gern vom Markt genommen hätte.

D 6 €

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Posted in Fashion, lifestyle on March 14th, 2012


Featuring Friends With You, Frank Kunert, James Hyman, Ben Frey, Les Bicylettes de Belsize, Lucky Paul, Gang Colours, Ben Nordberg, Keegan Valaika, Hamish Fulton, Elisabeth Olsen and lot’s more!

D 6.90€

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May Magazine #8

Posted in lifestyle, photography, writing on March 2nd, 2012

May Magazine #8

Conceived as a collective space in which to develop thoughts and confront positions on artistic production, May magazine examines, quaterly, contemporary art practice and theory in direct engagement with the issues, contexts and strategies that construct these two fields. An approach that could be summed up as critique at work – or as critique actively performed in text and art forms alike.

Featuring essays, interviews, art works and reviews by artists, writers and diverse practitioners of the arts, the magazine also intends to address the economy of the production of knowledge – the starting point of this reflection being the space of indistinction between information and advertisment typical of our time. This implies a dialogue with forms of critique produced in other fields.

D 12€

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