Now more than ever. Marije de Wit. WIELS & Motto Books.

Posted in Uncategorized on August 9th, 2017
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Following Marije de Wit’s work that shows her contemplative attitude towards sculpture, presentation, image, representation, abstraction, meaning and value, the works in There is so much thinking to be done keep introspecting their own status. The works are things just as much as they are interfaces in between things and thinking about what they are. Sculptural and painterly motifs that are self-invented, taken from ancient art and from the realms of advertisement, ask out loud whether they’re doodles, ornament or image.

As some works are shaped by trackable gestures – meaning that both what is shown and how it is made are equally on display – these works ask at what moment we decide when images are images. In line with De Wit’s belief that constantly refreshing our outlook is the most helpful thing to do, the works are placed in dense groups. This way they are put to work to hold each other in their active situation of perpetual contemplation.



Reasons to Be Cheerful. Chloë Delanghe. WIELS & Motto Books

Posted in photography, writing on April 2nd, 2016
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Reasons to Be Cheerful-Chloë Delanghe-WIELS, 9789078937272, Motto Books 1Reasons to Be Cheerful-Chloë Delanghe-WIELS, 9789078937272, Motto Books 2Reasons to Be Cheerful-Chloë Delanghe-WIELS,  9789078937272, Motto Books 3Reasons to Be Cheerful-Chloë Delanghe-WIELS, 9789078937272, Motto Books 10Reasons to Be Cheerful-Chloë Delanghe-WIELS, 9789078937272, Motto Books 5 Reasons to Be Cheerful-Chloë Delanghe-WIELS, 9789078937272, Motto Books 9 Reasons to Be Cheerful-Chloë Delanghe-WIELS, 9789078937272, Motto Books 7 Reasons to Be Cheerful-Chloë Delanghe-WIELS, 9789078937272, Motto Books 6   Reasons to Be Cheerful-Chloë Delanghe-WIELS, 9789078937272,  Motto Books 8

Reasons to Be Cheerful by Chloë Delanghe deals with the problematic of portraiture and the supposed weight of image making. The book is a fragmented portrait of the artist’s mother Sally Kovacsik. The first chapter, composed of portraits made by Sally’s husband Geert Delanghe, shows her just before and after childbirth. The second chapter, on the contrary, juxtaposes family portraits with objects, rooms, letters and notes. Each image of the book functions as contained gestures, seeking both remoteness and closeness. Moreover, photographs of Welsh castles repeat this conflicting movement. Reasons to be Cheerful is a disorientation of images, a fragmented portrait.

Editor: Chloë Delanghe
Graphic Designer: Dylan Van Elewyck
Photography: Chloë Delanghe and Geert Delanghe
Text: Sally Gabrielle Kovacsik
Published by WIELS, Brussels and Motto Books, Lausanne/Berlin


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Onement Label Presentation II – WIELS / Motto – 01.06.2013 (7pm)

Posted in Events, Motto @ Wiels, music, performance on April 27th, 2013
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Onement is a label created in 2006 for releasing unique, one-copy records on LP (Keith Rowe, John Tilbury, Robert Hampson…). For its second evening at WIELS, the label invites Yannick Franck to perform a live version of his « Austral » opus (Onement #3), a gorgeous suite of dark and delicate drones which could be seen as a sound equivalent to Ad Reinhardt’s late black paintings.


Musician, performer and founder of Idiosyncratics Records, Yannick Franck has developed a music based on the treatment of sources such as instruments and non-musical objects, voice, radio signals and field recordings. Also a member of noise band Y.E.R.M.O. he has performed in venues and festivals such as Issue Project Room (New York), MUDAM and Philharmonie du Luxembourg (Luxembourg), Young Arts Biennial (Moscow), EPAF (Warsaw), Instants Chavirés (Paris), Ausland and Electronic Church (Berlin) among many others.
