Subway magazine #4. Erik van der Weijde (Ed.)

Posted in magazines, photography on May 20th, 2015
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This 4th issue contains works by Go Itami, Rafaël Rozendaal and Jochen Lempert.
Plus we have stories on Tourism in Florida, the AK-47 and its use in the Rambo movies, Bananas, quotes by Jerry Saltz & Jerry Seinfeld and more.
From now on Subway is a quarterly magazine.

Subway Magazine is a new artist’s magazine by Erik van der Weijde & 4478zine.
Most of it’s content comes from eBay and Wikipedia, but also features works by contemporary artists. The magazine focuses on a fresh mix of art, photography, poetry, facts and fun.
Subway is a five-minute-fun ride, published three times a year.


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4 Frogs. Jochen Lempert. Editions P

Posted in photography on April 14th, 2015
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Quatre grenouilles apparaissent en négatif et déambulent parmi les pages du livre. 4 Frogs est un jeu formel, qui contraste avec le reste du travail de Jochen Lempert. Biologiste de formation, il entreprend dans son oeuvre photographique une patiente observation de la nature, tout en témoignant et mettant en perspective nos représentations du monde organique. Par une approche évoquant Jean Painlevée, il propose ici un regard à la fois nouveau et archaïque sur l’animal, dont les mouvements semblent émaner de la page. Fixés dans un déplacement chaotique, les reflets des batraciens s’organisent pourtant sous notre regard en des sortes de constellations, en une organisation presque sensible et qui indique à notre vue la frontière de notre compréhension du vivant. DV

Ce livre a été réalisé en accompagnement de l’exposition ONYCHOPHORA, qui s’est tenue à art3
(Valence, Fr) en novembre 2010.

27 x 20 cm



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Composition. Jochen Lempert. Verlag der Buchhandlung Walter König

Posted in Exhibition catalogue on February 18th, 2015
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This publication is published on the occasion of an exhibition of Jochen Lempert curated by John Rasmussen and organized by Midway Contemporary Art, Minneapolis and co-presented with the Rochester Art Center, Rochester.

Text by Chris Sharp


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Phenotype. Jochen Lempert. Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König

Posted in photography on December 23rd, 2013
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Phenotype. Jochen Lempert. Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König

Since the early 1990s, the German photographer and biologist Jochen Lempert (born 1958) has used analogue, black-and-white photography to convey his gently reverential vision of nature and sentience–whether that of animals, plants or humans. Often grainy, sometimes verging on abstraction, and sometimes focusing minutely on the activity of some tiny creature, his photographs exude a simple pleasure in fleeting tranquility. Lempert has also taken a quietly particular stance on the presentation of his work: in exhibitions, his images are presented unframed and tacked up on walls, and his books (among them Recent Field Work and Coevolution) are always immediately identifiable for their modest but exquisite design, printing and paper. Continuing this tradition of gorgeous bookmaking, Jochen Lembert: Phenotype reproduces 450 of his works, most of them arranged in groups and sequences, from more than 20 years of artistic production.

Brigitte Kölle, Roberto Ohrt & Frédéric Paul (Eds.)
348 pages
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Camera Austria #124. Maren Lübbke-Tidow (Ed.). Verein Camera Austria.

Posted in magazines on December 9th, 2013
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Camera Austria #124. Maren Lübbke-Tidow (Ed.). Verein Camera Austria.


Susanne Kriemann
Jochen Lempert
Robert Frank
Erik van der Weijde
Wendy Tronrud
Jens Asthoff
Rainer Bellenbaum
Hester Keijser
T.J. Demos

Language: German / English
Pages: 104

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White Light. Jochen Lempert. limArt

Posted in photography on February 20th, 2013


White Light. Jochen Lempert

‘White Light’, produced on the occasion of Jochen Lempert’s photo exhibition at Rimuato, October 2007.

D 33.50€
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Jochen Lempert, Drift, Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König

Posted in Exhibition catalogue, Motto Berlin store on August 10th, 2010


Drift, Jochen Lempert

Artist book published by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, on occasion of the exhibition of Jochen Lempert in the Museum Ludwig, Köln, from april to june 2010.

(Out Of Print)
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