Theft is Vision – Dirty Books. Dan Mitchell. Edition Patrick Frey

Posted in photography on November 3rd, 2023
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The works in this publication were commissioned by Fredi Fischli and Niels Olsen. I was asked to remake each of artist’s work as ‘posters’, with the direction that they should be at least 85% ‘Dan Mitchell’. The joke was to appropriate the appropriators. Additionally I included, as subjects, the architect of the show’s design, Petra Blaisse / Inside Outside, and also the curators themselves.

Things got a little confusing between 2020 and 2021 as there were 3 book projects on the go at the same time – the official catalogue for Theft is Vision, the book ‘Dan Mitchell Posters’* (both designed by Teo Schifferli and an unofficial lolz style book/ catalogue of the posters now published here. Only the book of my posters made it to print. Cultural fashion shifts and Covid put paid to the desire to produce a physical publication, appropriation, as a subject didn’t seem to be cool anymore.

Pocket Guide: Dan Mitchell Posters

With: Casima von Bonin. Maurizio Cattelan, Maria Eichhorn, Marie Louise Eman, Syvie Fleury, Isa Genzken, Richard Hamilton, Charline von Hey, Pierre Joseph, Valentina Liernur, Dan Mitchell, Mathieu Malouf, Malcolm Morley, Albert Oehlen, Betty Tompkins and Gili Tal.
Exhibition architecture by Petra Blaise / Inside Outside

The notion of ‘Theft’ establishes a site of investigation. This exhibition examines the desire to appropriate – a fundamental theme in the production of art. Throughout art there are typologies that ensue from the appropriation of motifs or of other works of art. As just one form of aggressive theft, the act of citation was already a cultural strategy long before Appropriation Art manifested itself.

At Luma Westbau the following questions are posed from a contemporary perspective:
What are the genres established through appropriation today? What does stealing mean for artistic production? Is it an act of removal and subtraction? Or can it be a productive strategy as suggested by the art history of Appropriation Art? In the context of this exhibition, ‘Theft is presented as dialogues and translations between artists. In essence, the exhibition confronts two opposing concepts in appropriation: the desire to appropriate as the idolization of sources or as an attack on and subversion of the established.

The typology of the enfilade a suite of rooms in grand architecture – is reconfigured in translucent plastic inthe exhibition design by Petra Baisse / inside Outside and inserted into the White Cube spacent encloses formative typologies of works of art productively used by numerous artists. The investigation leads to a wild variety of iconic and unexpected results: reconfigurations of Marcel Duchamp’s readymades, Kazimir Malevich’s Black Square, Lucio Fontana’s Concetto Spaziale, Jasper John’s Target, Fra Angelico’s Annunciation, Jacques-Louis David’s Napoleon Crossing the Alps, book illustrations by Bernard Buffet, and Courbet’s L’Origine Du Mode or variations on shopping-bag installations. By gathering these typologies together, the exhibition reveals and contrasts different appropriation strategies in art, and invites to discern and encounter sources, counterparts, and sundry partners in crime.

Order here

80*81, Volumes 1-4

Posted in Film, literature, Motto Berlin store, photography, politics, writing on July 27th, 2010
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Volume One: What Happened?

Including BLITZ by Derek Ridgers, Rosetta Brooks in ZG magazine, Zeitleiste: January 1980 and December 1981, The Beginning of the Green Party, William S. Burroughs and Andy Warhol at the Chelsea Hotel, Slavoj Žižek / Interview, Alain Badiou on Jacques Lacan, Eric B. Mitchell / Interview, Excerpt from René Ricard’s The Radiant Child, Robert Longo / Interview

D 19.50€


Volume Two: California über alles

Including Ear by Isa Genzken, Tatum O’Neal & family by Brad Elterman, Playlist by DJ Hell, two more films, Giorgio Moroder / Interview, Paul Schrader  / Interview, Timeline: February 1980, October Surprise, also by Gary Sick, Abol Hassan Bani-Sadr/ Interview, Hello America / The Presidents, JG Ballard, Timeline: November 1981

D 19.50€



Volume Three: Mao III

Including Triangle, Trois Femmes by Pierre Christin and Enki Bilal, Interview Don DeLillo, J.G. Ballard, My Father, and Me by Mei-Lun Xue, Timeline: March 1980 and October 1981

D 18€



Volume Four: u2 – 4u + 8 = 0

Including Wolfgang Pauli, Viktor Kortschnoi, Max Bill, Andy Warhol, CG Jung, Angela Bulloch, Robert Fludd, Charles and Ray Eames, Dan Graham, Bob Wilson, Alexander von Schlieffen, Richard Feynman, Samuel Beckett, Aylin Langreuter/Christophe de la Fontaine, Mario Juruna, Niels Bohr, Pope John Paul II, Kasimir Malevich, Oskar Schlemmer

D 20€


Edited by Georg Diez and Christopher Roth, Published by Edition Patrick Frey

All texts in English

80*81. Georg Diez und Christopher Roth. Edition Patrick Frey.

Posted in magazines on April 13th, 2010
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Georg Diez und Christopher Roth untersuchen in ihrem 80*81-Projekt ein Jahr lang und in Zusammenarbeit mit Künstlern, Astrologen, Philosophen, Psychologen, Schriftstellern, Filmregisseuren und Schauspielern eine zentrale Frage: Was ist eigentlich passiert? Damals 1980, als Reagan zum Präsidenten gewählt wurde, als Papst Johannes Paul II sich mit Lech Walesa traf, als Andy Warhol William Burroughs zum Essen im Chelsea Hotel traf, als John Galliano ein Blitz Kid war? Und was passierte 1981, als die Geiseln von Ajatollah Khomeini freigelassen wurden, fünf Minuten nachdem Reagan Präsident wurde? Als Ali Agca auf Papst Johannes Paul II schoß, als CNN und MTV gegründet wurden, als GPS jeden Ort zu jeder Zeit sichtbar machte? Als Aids auftauchte? In diesen Jahren änderte sich die Art und Weise, wie die Welt dachte, fühlte, aussah, arbeitete, reagierte.

Das 80*81-Projekt beinhaltet elf Bücher, die bei der Edition Patrick Frey erscheinen, und verschiedene Veranstaltungen in Zürich (Theater am Neumarkt), Hamburg (Kampnagel), New York (Watermill Center) und München (Staatsoper) mit Mitwirkenden wie Slavoj Žižek, Paul Schrader, Giorgio Moroder und vielen weiteren.


20. April 2010
20.30 Uhr – Theater am Neumarkt, Zürich
Eintritt CHF 25.00
80*81 – Ich frage jetzt nicht warum
Mit Georg Diez, Christopher Roth, Hans Zischler, Chris Petit. Musik: Fetisch / Terranova
Präsentation der ersten drei Bücher, nach der Vorstellung im Foyer

21. April 2010
20.00 Uhr – Kampnagel, Hamburg
Eintritt € 8.00 / 12.00
80*81 – Schaum, Žižek und Scheisse, eine Psycho-Fashionshow
Mit Georg Diez,Christopher Roth, Helene Hegemann, Pheline Roggan, Chris Petit. Musik: Fetisch / Terranova

2.Juni 2010
20.00 Uhr – Theater am Neumarkt, Zürich
80*81 – Programm folgt


Band 1: What Happened?
Mit Slavoj Žižek, Robert Longo, Eric B. Mitchell, Andy Warhol, William Burroughs, Alain Badiou, Jacques Lacan, René Ricard, The Blitz Kids, The Residents und den Grünen
Texte in Englisch
Broschur in Kunstststoffumschlag, 128 Seiten, zahlreiche vierfarbige Abbildungen, 17 x 24 cm
€ 18.00 / CHF 27.00
ISBN 978-3-905929-01-0

Band 2: California über alles
Mit Abdol Hassan Bani Sadr, Paul Schrader, Giorgio Moroder
Texte in Englisch
Broschur, 128 Seiten, zahlreiche vierfarbige Abbildungen, 17 x 24 cm
€ 12.00 / CHF 18.00
ISBN 978-3-905929-02-7

The Great Unreal – Taiyo Onorato & Nico Krebs

Posted in Motto Berlin event, Motto Berlin store, photography on October 13th, 2009
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During a space of three years, Taiyo Onorato and Nico Krebs traveled several months through the United States, working ‘on the road’ on the photo series The Great Unreal. The photographic work deals with reality and the fabrication of reality. The geography of America serves as both setting and fertile ground for the examination.

Mysticism and demystification are important aspects in this process, as is working with a rich inventory of visual icons that can be continually deconstructed and manipulated. The working method of both photographers is based on interventions prescribed mostly by happenstance and change. Through repetition and associative placement, the sometimes crude, sometimes subtle interventions begin to link to one another, establishing an exciting transformation of reality that only hesitatingly reveals itself to the viewer.

Together with book designers Megi Zumstein and Claudio Barandun, what emerged is an unmitigated picture book that makes a visual journey possible without any instructions. It comprises narrative image sequences that approximate the curiosity and restlessness of being on the move and, at the same time, depict associative connections with the American landscape.

44 € (signed copies available).