Ma Almeno Ci Sei Tu Amore Mio – But At Least You Are Here My Love. Nico Baumgarten.

Posted in photography on September 12th, 2013
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Scampia is a neighborhood in the outskirts of Naples and is mainly known as a stronghold of the Camorra mafia. Most stories about Scampia deal with gangsters or junkies.
In “ma almeno ci sei tu amore mio” (but at least you are here my love) I show the everyday life of those, who don’t have anything to do with all this. It’s a tough reality for them: Finding work is an almost impossible task, many of the flats are contaminated with asbestos and it’s hard to convince the own children of the fact that it’s not cool to work for the mafia.
In such a rough environment havens – even only mental ones – have a special significance. Religion and music play an important role, but love seems to be more meaningful than anything else. At least this is what the writings on the walls of this neighborhood testify, and which are the leitmotiv of this book.

Language: Italiano – English – Deutsch
Size: 21 × 15
Binding: Softcover

Price: €18.00
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Berlusconians/No Berlusconians. Nico Baumgarten.

Posted in photography on November 14th, 2011
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Berlusconians/No Berlusconians. Nico Baumgarten.

D 23€
