Feminazies. Paul B. Preciado. Gato Negro Ediciones
Posted in writing on May 20th, 2022Tags: Feminazies, Gato Negro Ediciones, Miau ediciones, Paul B. Preciado

Ever since, or so they say, “language was liberated”—as if we women had always been strange animals unequipped with the faculty of speech and then we’d suddenly learned to talk; who knows why— the representatives of the old sexual regime have been nervous, so nervous that they’re the ones who are now being left at a loss for words. Perhaps that’s why the lords of the colonial patriarchy have turned to their book of necropolitical history for the insult they always have most readily at hand—what a curious proximity—so they can hurl it into our faces:
Miau ediciones is an editorial Spin-off of Gato Negro Ediciones, an independent feminist publishing project that will work mainly with women and non-binary artists, writers, illustrators, editors and creators. This project will be focused on various spectra such as theory, political and social situation, graphics, photography and artist’s books, among others. We believe it is urgent to fight for equality and the eradication of violence against women, trans people, genderqueer and non-binary identities.
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