Dust #2: Roots
Posted in Fashion, magazines, photography on February 8th, 2012 by adminTags: Caroline Newell, Dust #2, Kevin Amato, Luca Guarini, Mark Fisher, Nicolas Santos
Dust #2: Roots
DUST is a new refreshing fashion & art magazine. With a biannual publishing frequency, Dust was born in early 2010 with the desire to provide a new and different point of view to the fashion magazine market.
We feel the need of filling the gaps that the rest of magazines leave, fighting in a certain way, against the increasingly stronger elitist spirit of the publishing world.
We bet and support artist’s collaborations, whether they are anonymous or upcoming ones, we’d like to search new talents, since we are interested on the real quality of their work, and not only on the name of the people who made it.
We want artists to feel completely free to develop and vent their own needs so they can create their works without any fear or vain censures. We will go deep into the artist’s world, interviewing and meeting them, in order to get a real knowledge of their creations and personality. We want fashion to become something much closer to an artistic point of view than to a commercial atmosphere, as we consider it as a path for creation and not the opposite.
That’s why we are not interested in the collection’s date, or the suitable time for promotion since we consider that art and fashion are always contemporary. DUST is a London based magazine, even if it’s made and produced in different cities around the world, such as New York, Madrid, Berlin, Milan and Paris by a specific team of creative minds that want to renew the current situation with this new thriving project.
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