Polyphony. Oto Kazumi Tanimoto
Posted in Zines on August 19th, 2022Tags: fanzine, illustration, interviews, Oto Kazumi Tanimoto, Polyphony, zine
“All my illustrations on this zine are inspired by Interviews which I contact to my friends who live in South Korea, UK, and Germany. These interviews show me different perspective about this unusual situation after 2020. I think It is more personal thought or feeling compare with dairy news of person-on-the -street interviews which already edited by someone else. I can see (imagine) so much details of their life. It seems to bring me somewhere in this world. Probably under this situation, it was more effective. After I read it, I feel so free. Hopefully, you also feel a little bit chilled out. I would like to say Thank you to my friends again.”
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