ECOCORE #4. Alessandro Bava (ed.)

Posted in Uncategorized on January 16th, 2016
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with contributions by:

Anne De Vries
Luis Miguel Bendaña+Sam Lipp
Cedric Fargues
Pablo Larios
Harry Burke
Billy Rennekamp
Josh Bitelli
Alex Mackin Dolan
Caspar Jade Heinmann
Dora Budor
Eric Veit
Alexander May
Albin Werle
Jacopo Mazzetti
Juliette Bonneviot
Katja Novitskova
Samia Mirza
Aaron McLaughlin
Anna Mikkola
Rosa Aiello
Octave Perrault
Greg Ponchak
Jack Self
Oskar Kahn
Alessandro Bava
Sydney Shen
Rasmus Myrup

E-C-O-C-O-R-E is a bi-annual ecology xine.

ECOCORE aims to explore the camouflaged souls of ecology.

ECOCORE addresses the improper valuation given by hyper consumption to shared, finite, natural resources. Negative externalities born by public and subsidised lives are calling for a re-examination of the “good cause”.

ECOCORE recognises that ecology’s identity has been repressed or relegated to area’s where it ought not to be. Relying on prettiness as a tool to convey its’ ideas, ECOCORE strives to furtively edit ecology’s muddled identity and environmental awareness.

There are many new leading actors, decision makers, and partnerships that play increasingly important roles in what happens to the natural world. The proliferating complexity, immediacy, and ubiquity of environmental crises therefore demand novel and unusual human responses towards this new eco-governance.

ECOCORE is made by Alessandro Bava


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