Stephanie Kiwitt & Ben Cain ( Launch ) + openings … @ Motto@WIELS ( 12/09/12 – 7pm )

Posted in Events, Motto @ Wiels on August 19th, 2012 by admin

Stephanie Kiwitt shows her recent book Wondelgemse Meersen, published by Kodoji Press.

In photographic sequences of mud, destroyed dwellings, waste and rampant nature, the book describes the precarious, chaotic state of the marshes of Wondelgem, a wasteland that Stephanie Kiwitt photographed in the north of Ghent.

The book was created as part of the research project ‘De fotograaf in de stad’ at the School of Arts / KASK, Ghent.


Ben Cain – BY-Product

This book follows two days of collective work during which outcomes, even objects, were temporarily formed and disbanded, leaving behind exhaustion, rumour, and around three thousand photographs, some of which are shown in the pages of this book.

The term ‘collective’ refers here to a group of four dancers and myself– this group’s activity produced a series of objects that are at once fleeting and monumental. The intention was in part to use bodies and movements as the raw material for making the twenty-six letters of the Latin alphabet, as well as other forms –both messy and succinct- that relate to but also depart from those letters.

As objects, these products of action have special properties which are defined not only by their temporal appearance and their unsettled forms, but also, and more importantly by the fact that these objects are made by, and are comprised of thinking and feeling subjects.

Being negotiated by people, and comprised of people, or bodies, these objects are work, workers, and products, all bound in one irreducible form.

This book isn’t interested in recording single outcomes but rather all the action, the attempts, the ‘practice’ that takes place pre- and post- object.


The Wiels project room presents a new work from the artist in residenceLaura Wiedijk, developed during the last year, a spatial installation titled “Waver”.


In “Tenant”, the family home becomes the stage to re-enact a scripted dialogue that takes as a starting point a story about Mrs. Schumacher who was the lodger of the artist’s grandfather in Berlin during the Second World War. She was a communist and helped Vladimir Lenin travel from Switzerland to Russia in 1917 after the February Revolution broke out. The relationship between language and physical movements explores roles that these two elements play in the creation of knowledge and social relations.

The film by the artist in residency Grace Schwindt has been completed in 2012 is 82 minutes long and has been commissioned Film London Artists Moving Image Network and Collective Gallery, Edinburgh. The format is HD Video.

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