Three Attempts for a Catalogue Raisonné of the Work of
 ALBERTO GARUTTI. Kaleidoscope Press

Posted in Motto @ Wiels, Motto Berlin store, Motto Zürich store on November 24th, 2011 by admin

This artist’s book was published on the occasion of the workshop with Alberto Garutti (29-30 September 2010) held at the Fondazione Galleria Civica – Centro di Ricerca sulla Contemporaneità di Trento in the context of the Trentoship / Trento.Link Program.

Alberto Garutti (b. Galbiate, Como, 1948) explores the narrative and immaterial dimension of Public Art, an area of multi-author intervention, revising themes of a conceptual nature. “This book is a kind of hypothetical catalogue – more a (self) provocation and (meta)reflection than a true editorial object – in which three different authors have been invited to suggest three different possible books, which constitute together a multiple solution of an aporia, i.e. three possible approaches (a fictional account; a conversation; a critical essay) to a monographic book that does not yet exist, and that maybe will never see the light of release.” (A. Viliani)

Co-published with the Fondazione Galleria Civica – Centro di Ricerca sulla Contemporaneità di Trento.

Edited by
Andrea Viliani

Chus Martínez & Ingo Niermann
Hans Ulrich Obrist & Stefano Boeri
Luca Cerizza

English / Italian
October 2010

Softcover, 19 x 27 cm
60 pages

ISBN 978-88-97185-00-0
EUR 18

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