
Author: Maex E. Achter & The Future Faeries
Publisher: Museum Folkwang
Language: English
Pages: 186
Size: 16.7 x 23 cm
Weight: 458 g
Binding: Softcover
Price: €20.00
Product Description

This latest edition of Technoprancer is a collaboration from the collective Future Faeries and is the product of their fascination with the mid-’90s publication of the same name. The original text, appearing in 1995 under the pseudonym Maex E. Achter, was a simple zine that, at its core, proliferates the idea of questioning our everyday assumptions. Made very simply with tape, staples, and a photocopier, it was ostensibly a one-off. Oddly, however, Achter included numerous blank pages towards the back of the zine. This gesture is seen as an invitation to continue the project, and from this open-ended position the Future Faeries have taken their direction. The contents are primarily pagan and queer, two areas of history that the Faeries see as heavily intertwined yet with accounts that are truncated and distorted. All is freely mixed with a bit of Web 1.0, artificial intelligence, deep sci-fi, lost narratives, and a dash of early rave culture. Includes contributions by August I. Sommers, C.E. Moores, Eleven Mary of the OBE, Qi Beau, and Wovish Pearblossom. Edited by B.A. Briggs.