Lotte Konow Lund: Dagbøkene Januar 2014 - Februar 2016
Author: Lotte Konow Lund
Publisher: Teknisk Industri
Language: Norsk
Pages: 456
Size: 13 x 20
624 g
Binding: Softcover
ISBN: 9788293281146
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Product Description
Lotte Konow Lund: Dagbøkene Januar 2014 - Februar 2016 was created over a period of two years. Of the project, Konow Lund, a Norwegian artist says: “During this period I drew about 4,500 sketches, drawings, notes, and text images. All in standard Moleskine notebooks with a 0.1 felt-tip pen.”
Konow Lund began the project in the wake of the 2014 collaborative exhibition”We live on a star” at the Henie Onstad Art Centre in Sandvika, Norway, for which she made a bronze sculpture, an endeavour that took months of her time. Upon its completion, she felt the need to fill the void that had been left by a project that no longer required her attention: “After working 12 hours of shifts in just a few months, it was as if the space between my arms was empty, or—emptied. The diaries therefore filled a need.”
For Konow Lund, Moleskines were a handy format. Light and durable, she was able to take them everywhere—work; trips; meetings—democratically recording everything without separation. Dagbøkene (“The Diaries”) includes a variety of what the artist calls “preliminary” and “after” images: thoughts, feelings, anxieties, immediate reactions, reflections and transcriptions of the moment, inspired by the artist’s own thoughts, another person’s memory, or even a text message. For Konow Lund, within Dagbøkene, “There are good drawings and simple truisms, loose sketches and some, I think, more interesting text images. There must be a lot of drawings for it to make sense.”
— Teknisk Industri