Ketty La Rocca: You – works and writings 1964-1976. Angelika Stepken (Ed.). Revolver Publishing
Posted in Monograph on August 9th, 2022Tags: Angelika Stepken, Emi Fontana, Ketty La Rocca, Ketty la Rocca: You – works and writings 1964-1976, monograph, Pier Luigi Tazzi, Revolver Publishing

Texts by: Emi Fontana, Pier Luigi Tazzi, Angelika Stepken and Ketty La Rocca.
This book is the first international monograph on Ketty La Rocca’s works and writings.
Initially, inspired by the experimental visual poetry of the mid-sixties, Ketty La Rocca critically investigated questions of communication in the age of mass media. She soon began addressing herself in her work as both an artist and a woman in a desire to find “another” language to express difference and the non-identical. She worked with collage, photography, video, text, drawing, and performance to develop a language of gestures and appropriated imagery of disempowerment. But her work was only granted the short time span of a decade’s production, during which she underwent a rapid artistic development with enormous energy and intelligence.
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