Various Fires
Author: Thomas Galler
Publisher: Edition Fink
Language: -
Pages: -
Size: 14 x 18 cm
400 g
Binding: Softcover
ISBN: 9783037461426
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Product Description
Various Fires
Artists' book parody of Edward Ruscha's "Various Small Fires and Milk," refreshed with appropriated images, in color, of natural disasters, man-made disasters, and riots each containing fires.
"Thomas Galler work revolves around issues of media representation, the importance of authorship and transfer of found materials and reflects an critical social attitude of products and phenomena of mass culture. An important group of paintings collected by the artist in the collection of newspaper since 1999, pictures and images from magazines are the "Fires" by firing shots from the political reporting. These represent trouble spots and conflicts, which happened the global, societal patterns have changed. With 'Various Fires' Thomas Galler presents an artist's publication with a selection of 21 images from this collection, show the fires around the globe. Both tracks, as well as size and shape of the ligament relate to the legendary book 'Various Small Fires' by Ed Rucha from 1964." -- translated publisher's statement.