Author: Markéta Adamcová
Publisher: INI Project
Language: English
Size: 17.5 x 13 cm
85 g
Binding: Softcover
In stock
Product Description
The collection Ungetting is the poetic debut of visual artist Markéta Adamcová. She combines poems with original drawings created during her residency at the INI gallery in Prague. The leitmotif was a Garden, which the artist explored as a space that maps and records traces inside its own body. She viewed it from different perspectives and times, revealing the constructed nature of our ideas about it. In doing so, she showed it as a romantic, spiritual and escapist idea, as well as a place where the wild and the cultivated potentially meet - open nature and the human plan.
Adamcová writes her poems in parallel to her artistic practice, in which she explores the interconnection of personal narrative, poetic principles, and the spiritual dimensions of natural and human systems. Based in painting, she focuses on how personal stories can be communicated through symbolic or abstract forms, offering viewers a way to navigate between the intimate and the universal. In her process, she often explores how literature and images intertwine, while incorporating the complexity of (in)human bodies to emphasize the diversity of inner structures and the traces we are leaving within them.
Erosion of Bodies, Annual Program of INI Prostor in 2024 / Eroze těl, Celoroční program INI Prostoru v roce 2024
Curator of the annual program / Kurátorka celoročního programu: Barbora Švehláková
Edited by / Editor: Sam Cottington
Proofreading / Korektury: Tallulah Hood
Reproductions of drawings from the series Nostalgia, 2024, pastel and pencil on paper / Reprodukce kreseb ze série Nostalgia, 2024, pastel a tužka na papíře: Augustine Paredes
Graphic design / Grafická úprava: Matúš Buranovský
This publication was created with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture and the City of Prague / Publikace vznikla s finanční podporou Ministerstva kultury a Hlavního města Prahy.