Typen: Good, Bad and Ugly Houses

Typen: Good, Bad and Ugly Houses
Author: Oda Pälmke
Publisher: Jovis Verlag
Language: Deutsch / English
Size: 15 x 10.5
Weight: 248 g
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 9783868590005
Price: €16.00
Product Description

How do you recognise good architecture? This collection of models is intended to help distinguish "types", i.e. houses, on the basis of their characteristics, features and quality. They are presented - neither chronologically nor spatially sorted - without any evaluation. The presentation opens up the possibility of discovering the really remarkable, the typical in the peculiarities of reality. In an undogmatic way the perception is sensitised, the view of reality is sharpened and finally the imagination of the viewer is expanded.