Tsoyl: The Story Of Your Life

Tsoyl: The Story Of Your Life
Author: Haraldur Jónsson
Publisher: Uturdur
Language: -
Size: 33 x 24 cm
Weight: 1.1980 kg
Binding: -
Availability: In stock
Price: €48.00
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Product Description

TSOYL is a memory museum, a collection of recollections. It is a modern Wunderkammer from our collective subconsciousness, dedicated to anonymous events already ended as well as those that have not yet taken place. The images in this collection are familiar but become exotic in their surprising context and inverted focal point. The reader turns the pages at her/his own risk, exposing oneself on each opening. The images point of view is thus fundamentally linked with the world at large and spans the timelines present in the mind of each and every reader.


TSOYL er minningasafn, nútíma wunderkammer sem tileinkað er hversdagslegum atburðum, liðnum og óliðnum, úr sameiginlegri undirmeðvitund okkar. Myndir safnsins eru kunnuglegar en verða framandi í óvæntu samhenginu og úthverfum brennideplinum. Sjónarhorn myndanna tengjast þannig hinum breiðasta grunni tilverunnar og ná endanna á milli eftir þeim tímalínum sem liggja um huga hvers og eins lesanda.