Three Two One #2 - Signs Of Life - Robert Lindholm Cover
Author: Devin Hershey, Lily Zhang (Eds.)
Publisher: Three Two One
Language: English
Pages: 286
Size: 30 x 23
1.2600 kg
Binding: -
In stock
Product Description
There are those that say the creative world is no longer creative. Rocked by consumerism, everyone is in a race for attention and virtue signaling has replaced authenticity, they say. And then there are those, like us, who see it differently. If you look close enough, there are still signs of life-a vast web of living threads bubbling beneath the surface-interconnecting creatives of all kinds from New York to Mexico City and Paris, and beyond to Slovenia and the curving banks of the Ljubljanica River. Sprawling like a mycorrhizal network, their collective work recontextualizes optimism and gives pointers on how to adapt to life in a changing world-wrapping around themes of nature and the human form, while also pushing the limit of more meta questions with almost impossible sensitivity (and a touch of satire). It's the perspective of these people that we sought out to contribute to this issue-our second edition and the product of many minds, eyes, hearts, hands, and ears. There is wisdom in these pages, along with fresh ideas and an alternate narrative: the creative world is alive and well, if you seek it. -Devin & Lily
Richie Talboy
Pieter Eliëns
Winter Vandenbrink
Lean Lui
Jai Odell
Charles Caesar Kotaro Kawashima
Lola Banet
Robert Lindholm
Belle Leigh Smith
Jason Thomas Geering
Kyle Weeks
Ithai Schori Orly Anan
Evelyn Bencicova
Pa Jaša Müller
Jon Ervin Brian Lynch
Basile Mookherjee
Camila Falquez
Isabelle Wenzel
Andres Burgos