Terremoto 5 - All Yesterday's Parties
Author: Dorothée Dupuis (ed.)
Publisher: Terremoto, Motto Books
Language: Spanish / English
Pages: 40
Size: 41.5 x 27 cm
300 g
Binding: Softcover
ISBN: 9782940524440
In stock
Product Description
Terremoto 5
Winter 2016
January 18 — March 28, 2016
The hangover is an altered state, as absorbing and mind-bending as drunkenness. Ambivalent and unpredictable, it may depress you or, on the contrary, infuse you with irrational optimism. It can free you from fear, prolonging the euphoria of a celebration, or it might just increase the paranoia of this impending doom. As the world becomes increasingly more unjust, intolerant, and amnesiac we’ll address current concerns related to the conservative turn of society by means of manifold approaches to the hazy memories of yesterday’s parties.
With this issue, the magazine celebrates one year of survival in independent publishing by reveling on this altered state of guilty euphoria, anticipating the inescapable failure of some of its future plans–using the hangover as a metaphor for the disillusion brought by broken ideals. If, as Clarice Lispector evoked, “The beauty of Brasilia is its invisible statues”, we will emphasize the imaginary dimension of utopia, which is by definition it’s most real aspect.
Through a variety of voices, tales, and conversations reflecting on this mental loop of pleasure/ withdrawal the issue will discuss the possible drives that make the next celebration still worth it, may it have us wake up hung-over, time and again.