The Symbolic Efficiency of the Frame – T.I.C.A.B. 2009

The Symbolic Efficiency of the Frame – T.I.C.A.B. 2009
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Pages: 48
Weight: 200 g
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Price: €175.00
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Product Description

The Symbolic Efficiency of the Frame – T.I.C.A.B. 2009
Tirana International Contemporary Art Biennial

Hotel Dajti, 18 September - 22 October 2009

Edi Muka & Joa Ljungberg
Co-directors of T.I.C.A.B. 2009 | curators of Episode 1

We take this notion as a starting point to enter a
discussion about the complex and manifold nature of
“the real” and its many “appearances”, and the various
ways how we perceive reality and relate to our history.
Independently from which angle we look or what
methodology we employ – be it scientific, aesthetic, or
philosophical — what interest us are the inherent gaps
that manifest themselves in this constantly shifting
process of perception. A “frame” or its notion is
something we use in order to define, discern or cut off in
order to highlight. In other words, a frame or the process
of enframing is our way to relate to the ungraspable
essence of the reality that surrounds us. The frame thus
is not merely a physical construction, but most of all a
mental one, a way that helps (or hinders) our perception
of the world and the society.


Edi MUKA, Joa LJUNGBERG — Co-directors and curators Episode 1
Ana DZOKIC, Marc NEELEN — curators Episode 2
Corinne Diserens — curator Episode 3

Fabiola HAXHILLARI — Coordinator and Press Officer
Steliani CELA — Coordinator and Administrator
Pati VARDHAMI — Coordinator
Ela GALANXHI — Coordinator
Neviana DOSTI — Coordinator
Andi MUKA— Technical and installations Supervisor
Andon IKONOMI — Chief exhibition technician
Kreshnik HOXHALLI – Exhibition technician
Marin METOHU — web designer/administrator
Marc TOUITOU + Alexandre SZAMES, PARIS — catalogue designers

Front page: Jean-Luc Moulène, Faisceaux, Tirana, 2009-10-04.
page 48: Jean-Luc Moulène, Soleil, Tirana, 2009-07-22.

© 2009, T.I.C.A.B., and the authors

This project is funded by European Union
The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of
the European Commission.